Before anything else, check that your server configuration meets Installatron's server, firewall, and PHP requirements.
If you are the server administrator or webhosting provider then the first thing to try when attempting to fix any problem is Installatron Repair.
Firstly, read about Installatron requirements here and make sure that your firewall allows access to and from the listed IPs and domain, and that the user's PHP configuration has the requires PHP modules & extensions enabled.
If fixing requirements didn't help then the Installatron Repair Utility is designed to fix most problems that can occur with Installatron Plugin and Installatron Server. This utility can be executed any time that difficulties are experienced. There is no harm in executing the utility; it's always the first thing to try.
Run these commands as root (DON'T RUN THESE COMMANDS IF YOU ARE USING INSTALLATRON SERVER!): rm -fr /usr/local/installatron/lib /usr/local/installatron/bin rm -f /usr/local/installatron/etc/php.ini curl -O chmod +x ./ -f --quick
Tip: To run repair in interactive mode, remove -f from the last command.
Run these as root to quickly switch between any of the 3 Installatron channels:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --release /usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --stable /usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --edge
To perform a repair on Installatron Plugin Windows, follow the same setups used to install Installatron Plugin. See:
Run these commands as root (DON'T RUN THESE COMMANDS IF YOU ARE USING INSTALLATRON PLUGIN!): rm -fr /usr/local/installatron/lib rm -f /usr/local/installatron/etc/php.ini curl -O chmod +x ./ -f --quick
Tip: To run repair in interactive mode, remove -f from the last command.
Run these as root to quickly switch between any of the 3 Installatron channels:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --release /usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --stable /usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick --edge
To perform a repair on Installatron Server Windows, re-run the installatron-server.exe wizard.
Create a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app or where the application currently resides, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Each application that is supported by Installatron has its own PHP requirements although we have collected together the ideal minimum configuration in the second box here.
The PHP requirements listed on that page are shown in two groups; the first group, beginning with allow-url-fopen, show required values and then the second set, beginning with bcmath, show required modules and extensions.
Search for each item on your phpini.php page; if it's a value and the item exists then check that the value is correct. If the item doesn't exist then ignore it. For the second group; if the listed item doesn't exist as its own block in the long list of modules on that phpinfo page (eg. if bcmath doesn't exist as one of the first modules) then that module or extention should be added.
That doesn't mean that adding the missing module or fixing an incorrect value will solve the specific problem that you're having, but it will be a positive step towards that and certainly may well be the cause of your problem.
Most of the application errors listed below are caused by missing requirements.
If you find that a value is wrong or a module is missing; search your webhosting control panel for a tool that allows you to change your PHP configuration. Your webhosting provider might not provide such a tool, in which case you will need to ask your provider to make the changes for you.
Tools for changing your PHP configuration can come in two flavors; the first is a tool that allows you to change your PHP version entirely. This can be useful if the app you wish to install has a minimum PHP version and your current PHP version (shown at the top-left of the phpinfo.php page) is too old. Note that changing your PHP version will also reset your PHP configuration (ie. the values and the modules).
Another other type of PHP configuration tool allows you to directly edit PHP values. This is typically a small sub-section of values, from memory_limit to error handling.
And the final type of PHP configuration tool allows you to directly select which PHP modules are enabled in your PHP configuration. This same tool also usually allows you to change your PHP version and edit a large number of PHP values, so this is the best one. But which type you have access to, if any at all, depends on what your provider has made available through the control panel.
And you can always ask your provider to fix any problems that you're unable to fix yourself.
ps. we are not your webhosting provider -- we are Installatron.
Double check that the "Installatron" feature is enabled within WHM's Feature List tool for the feature lists where it should be enabled.
Within WHM's Feature List tool, the first entry ("Installatron") refers to the Installatron system itself and must be enabled to activate Installatron, and the second entry ("Installatron Widget") activates the dashboard section that lists top apps and installed apps right on the main cPanel menu.
Try clearing the task queue by executing this command as root:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick /usr/local/installatron/installatron --tasks --restart --clear-install-locks
That should solve the problem!
Now, those previous two commands were safe to run on both Installatron Plugin and Installatron Server, however the next fix is NOT SAFE FOR INSTALLATRON SERVER! So if the previous two commands didn't solve the problem for your Installatron Server task queue then contact us and we'll work through it there.
But if your server is definitely using Installatron Plugin then run this as root to rebuild the Installatron cache:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick mv /var/installatron/data.db /var/installatron/data.db.bak20241015 rm -f /var/installatron/data.db-* /usr/local/installatron/installatron --repair --recache /usr/local/installatron/installatron --send-update-report
A crontab process may be active that is designed to terminate PHP processes that are executing "too long".
Disable the offending crontab process, or replace it with a crontab process that grants immunity to Installatron-created processes.
The below bash code, when executed as a crontab process every so often, will only kill PHP processes that have been executing longer than 600 seconds and show up in the output of "ps -eo command" as containing "/usr/bin/php". This will work without modification on most fastcgi environments. Feel free to modify this code to match your environment.
ps -eo uid,pid,lstart,command | tail -n+2 | while read PROC_UID PROC_PID PROC_LSTART_WDAY PROC_LSTART_MONTH PROC_LSTART_DAY PROC_LSTART_TIME PROC_LSTART_YEAR PROC_COMMAND; do SECONDS=$[$(date +%s) - $(date -d"$PROC_LSTART_WDAY $PROC_LSTART_MONTH $PROC_LSTART_DAY $PROC_LSTART_TIME $PROC_LSTART_YEAR" +%s)] if [[ "$PROC_COMMAND" == */usr/bin/php* ]]; then if [ $PROC_UID -gt 0 -a $SECONDS -gt 600 ]; then echo $PROC_PID fi fi done | xargs kill
If installed applications do not appear at the My Applications tab then there is an error within Installatron's cached data. This can happen if a user is moved to a server with a different configuration than the one the installs were created on. Typically no action is necessary when this occurs--the issue will automatically correct itself the next time the daily Installatron Update process executes--but if the change is significant then it can require that the cache be rebuilt.
Execute these commands:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick /usr/local/installatron/installatron --repair --recache /usr/local/installatron/installatron --send-update-report
For Installatron Plugin servers only: If the first solution does not remedy the problem, execute these commands:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick mv -f /var/installatron/data.db /var/installatron/data.db.bak20241015 rm -f /var/installatron/data.db-* /usr/local/installatron/installatron --repair --recache /usr/local/installatron/installatron --send-update-report
For Installatron Plugin on Webmin/Virtualmin servers only: If the first two solutions don't solve the problem, execute this command:
virtualmin set-global-feature --enable-feature virtualmin-installatron
On a DirectAdmin server this is caused by an incompatibility between DirectAdmin and PHP/Zend.
On a cPanel/WHM server this is caused by use of an old version of cPanel/WHM.
First check that it's not caused by an empty php.ini:
head -n 5 /usr/local/lib/php.ini
If the results of that command are empty, you'll need to reinstate DirectAdmin's php.ini file. If it prints content, tell Installatron to apply a workaround:
touch /usr/local/installatron/etc/zend_fix
Upgrading cPanel/WHM to version 11 or newer will fix the problem (if you also upgrade to a cPanel/WHM 11-style theme).
Execute these commands:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick /usr/local/installatron/installatron --repair --recache /usr/local/installatron/installatron --send-update-report
Execute these commands:
/usr/local/installatron/repair -f --quick mv /var/installatron/data.db /var/installatron/data.db.bak20241015 rm -f /var/installatron/data.db-* /usr/local/installatron/installatron --repair --recache /usr/local/installatron/installatron --send-update-report
Firewall configurations that whitelist addresses must allow outgoing port 80 connections to these addresses. (North America - Dallas) (North America - Dallas)
Based on a server's geographic location, or for added redundancy, additionally allowing connections to these addresses is recommended. When multiple addresses are available the closest geographically will always be tried first. (Europe - Nuremberg) (North America - Phoenix) (Asia Pacific - Tokyo)
It's also possible to create an internal mirror for your company following the FAQ here: How do I create an Installatron Fast Update server?
The SSL connection to could not be established. To verify, test with this command:
curl -v
If the server is older, the server root certificates may be out of date.
If you're unable to get the server to accept this certificate, add a --no-check-certificate argument to the original command.
The format used by Administration » Customization code changed when Installatron added support for PHP 7. This error means that you are using Installatron on PHP 7 but the Customization code is using the older PHP-5-compatible format.
The changes that you need to make to your customization code are minimal and you can find them described in the highlighted box at the top of Installatron Administration Documentation: Customization.
net-tools is not installed on this server.
Execute this command:
yum -y install net-tools
This type of error can sometimes occur when an account is out of available disk space. However, in most cases a more graceful error is displayed.
Check that the web hosting account has enough available disk space. If additional space is required, contact your service provider directly to add additional disk space.
A .htaccess file is likely interfering with a HTTP request.
Check the installation directory and parent directories (public_html) for a .htaccess file that could interfere with requests to the aforementioned URL. You either can fix the .htaccess file or temporarily rename it and try again.
A few variations of these errors exist. The errors are often returned from the control panel software verbatim.
This happens when the control panel software is unable to create a database on behalf of Installatron. Most likely this means the account has no databases remaining.
An existing database can be selected for the install by choosing the "Let me manage the database settings" option on the Database step, or most likely additional databases can be purchased.
A few variations of these errors exist. The errors are returned from the control panel software verbatim.
This happens when Installatron is unable to retrieve a list of user's database via the control panel's plugin API.
Typically logging out of the control panel and re-trying the task will solve the problem.
Try changing the "Fetch/HTTP driver" in Administration > Settings. It may be that the default driver is not suitable for your server setup. A CURL binary should be selected whenever possible.
If the the control panel uses https:// then it may be that the CURL options lack functional OpenSSL support. This can be tested for CURL binaries with:
curl -v -k ''
This is a cPanel/WHM bug introduced in v80.
Run these commands from SSH (or Terminal from WHM) as the root user:
mkdir -vp /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.cpanel chmod 700 /var/cpanel/userhomes/cpanel/.cpanel
By default Installatron uses the system's installed version of PHP. In the vast majority of cases this works flawlessly. However, in some cases this may not be compatible.
When this occurs, compiling a dedicated PHP binary just for Installatron's internal use is the most reliable solution.
Try installing a dedicated PHP binary just for Installatron's internal use. Webspace PHP settings will not be modified. Do not run these commands if you are using Installatron Server, they are for Installatron Plugin only!
First, install the system dependencies required to compile PHP. This will depend on the specific operating system and version.
apt install build-essential autoconf libtool bison re2c pkg-config libxml2-dev libzip-dev libssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libpng-dev libonig-dev
RHEL/CentOS/AlmaLinux/Rocky Linux/etc:
yum install gcc libcurl-devel libxml2-devel openssl-devel libpng-devel zlib-devel sqlite-devel oniguruma-devel
Second, compile the new PHP version using the following commands. These commands are the same regardless of operating system. If you see any errors, check that the required dependencies are installed.
mkdir -p /usr/local/installatron && cd /usr/local/installatron curl -L -O tar xzf php-8.1.27.tar.gz && cd php-8.1.27 ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/installatron/php --disable-dom --enable-posix --enable-mbstring --enable-ftp --enable-sockets --enable-gd --without-pear --without-iconv --with-openssl --with-curl --with-zip --with-zlib --with-mysqli=mysqlnd --with-pdo-mysql=mysqlnd --with-gettext make && make install cd .. && rm -fr php-8.1.27 php-8.1.27.tar.gz /usr/local/installatron/bin
Next, follow the steps at the top of this page to execute a "repair" of Installatron.
That's it! Installatron should now be working.
TIP: If you now see an error that ends with "No such file or directory" or "Unable to connect to Plesk MySQL database" then running the next fix will solve that.
There is a problem communicating with MySQL.
If databases are actually being created, try specifying a MySQL socket value in /usr/local/installatron/etc/php.ini. For example:
mysql.default_socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock mysqli.default_socket = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
(Note that both mysql and mysqli are included to provide for PHP <7 and >=7 cases, and allow for seamless swapping between them.)
The cPanel API failed to create a database for Installatron Plugin.
Check if either of the below values exist in /etc/my.cnf:
skip-name-resolve skip-host-cache
If either value exists, comment the value out, restart mysql, and then try the action within Installatron Plugin again. If the problem is still not solved, check if the user has their own my.cnf file within their home directory.
The RPM package "file" is missing.
Install the missing RPM package:
yum install file
Then re-execute the Installatron Repair Utility at the top of this page.
At the time of writing (2023-02-07) GoDaddy are moving database data around, or something of that nature, and it will occasionally cause this error.
It might be worth waiting a few hours and then trying again. But if the error continues then you will need to contact GoDaddy for assistance.
And for clarity, this is not only an error in Installatron: if you try to export the database using phpMyAdmin (from your webhosting control panel) you'll find the same "You have an error in your SQL syntax" somewhere in its output.
Try going to Installatron administration > Email and switch the Sender field from "PHP" to "SMTP" and enter values of the server's SMTP service (which might be "mail.{YOUR_DOMAIN}") and an administration email address for that service.
Load your website into a couple of web browsers (eg. Firefox and Chrome) and consider the following;
Does your website say that your webhosting account is suspended?
Does your website say that your website isn't "redirecting properly"?
Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator and ask about unsuspending your account.
Redirecting problems are usually caused by redirection-loops, where a redirection points back to itself or a redirection points to somewhere that points back to the original page. Redirections are sometimes set up through a "Redirection" tool in your webhosting control panel or manually using files named ".htaccess" in your account's files. The redirection problem will need to be fixed before Installatron can do anything further with the application.
First, see the previous entry to check that the domain is working correctly.
While Installatron doesn't require domains to resolve prior to use, Installatron does check for any domain or web server misconfiguration that would prevent the installed application from functioning, including IP mismatches and firewall blocks.
Check your /var/installatron/logs/fetch* log files for information on why the tests failed.
If the domain check fails with a "(HTTP error: 502)" error then this is a "Bad Gateway" error message and it means that your web server is misconfigured. Speak to your webhosting provider or server administrator.
To enable interaction with non-resolving domains, including the "url-ip" argument with Installatron Server API queries, which will inform Installatron Server where it should resolve the domain.
Installatron tests your domain before it proceeds with any application-related task (install, update, clone, etc). It tests the domain by creating a file called "deleteme.????.php" (where ???? is a series of random characters) in the application's directory and then runs the script over HTTP using the domain. For example, the file might be created here:
And it will be run by loading something like:
If Installatron doesn't receive the expected answer from the deleteme.????.php script then you will receive this error and the task will be aborted. The actual path, URL, and filename will be included in the error message.
A [http code=0; timeout=7] at the very end of the error message means that when Installatron tried to run the deleteme.????.php script it wasn't able to make a connection with your server -- and to be clear here; Installatron is making the call from the same server that it's trying to make the call to. It's a HTTP call that it should be able to make.
The likely cause is that your server's own IP address or domain (or even or localhost) is blacklisted by the server itself or by the MySQL server.
Ask your webhosting provider or server administrator if one of these addresses might be blacklisted.
Installatron is unable to communicate with the webhosting control panel's plugin API, or the plugin API is unable to communicate with the MySQL/database server.
Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator and ask them to look into it for you. The /var/installatron/logs/panel_log log might be of use to them. And if the server is using MariaDB they should check that it is enabled as a feature in the control panel.
Installatron is unable to communicate with the webhosting control panel's plugin API, or the plugin API is unable to communicate with the MySQL/database server.
Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator and ask them to look into it for you. The /var/installatron/logs/panel_log log might be of use to them. And if the server is using MariaDB they should check that it is enabled as a feature in the control panel.
On some cPanel/WHM configurations this error can be caused by usernames that are considered too long.
Installatron is trying to create an archive comprising the application's files and database but the compression process has failed.
If your webhosting account is low on disk space then this is likely due to the process running out of disk space during compression. The process generally disk space the equivalent of the current application size (files+database) plus an additional 30% overhead and it requires this space at both the Source account and Destination accounts.
(eg. if the combined disk space+database is currently 12MB, you need 16MB free space on both source and destination accounts--or 32MB if it's the same account--in order to perform this task)
If enough disk space is available then the compression process might be timing out, which could happen if the application is especially large. When a process takes longer than a server time-limit the server will simply kill the process.
Check your disk usage and limit from your webhosting control panel. If disk space is low then you might be able to free some space by uninstalling applications that you don't need (be careful not to uninstall something you use!), otherwise you will need to speak to your webhosting provider about increasing your disk space quota.
There are three PHP values that might also be involved in a time-out:
Values of 360 are good starting points for all three.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to edit your PHP configuration then you can possibly change these values from there, otherwise you'll need to ask your webhosting provider to change those values for you. And the MySQL value might be something that only your provider can change.
Ideally, you'll change these values on both the Source and Destination servers, but change them where you can and see if that helps.
During a local or remote Import, Installatron here has found the application's configuration file and has been able to parse the application's database information from the config, but when it then attempted to connect to the server's MySQL database server using those newly-extracted details it wasn't able to connect.
If the final part of the error contains the phrase "No such file or directory", please ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to run this fix.
If the final part of the error contains the phrase "Access denied" then it it's possible that your server's own IP address or domain (or even or localhost) is blacklisted by the server itself or by the MySQL server.
Ask your webhosting provider or server administrator if one of these addresses might be blacklisted.
The remote server has refused the connection.
Check that the FTP values you gave Installatron are correct. If you can test them in another FTP utility (eg. Filezilla) then that's worth doing as a test.
If you're sure that the values are correct and you can FTP login through another tool then it means the FTP server is actively blocking Installatron. Installatron is making the connection from the server that Installatron is installed on (usually the same server as your domain, or from here on if you're using Installatron Remote). You can try the different FTP protocols to see if one of them is allowed but if none of them work you'll need to ask your webhosting provider to check their FTP logs in order to find why the connections are being rejected.
This is likely to be caused by a known problem between the web server "LiteSpeed" and the PHP extension "Phar".
Phar is used to install CMSMS but LiteSpeed, at the time of writing, causes an infinite redirection loop (the '301' error is a usually harmless redirection notice meaning "Moved Permanently") when using PHP's 'phar' extension. More can be found about this bug here:
Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator and suggest that they disable the CMSMS installer from Installatron's Access Control tool in administration.
The HTTP error code '401' means "Unauthorized".
This usually means that there is some sort of extra level of security wrapped around your website that Installatron can't get through, usually in the form of a login popup but it could also be a blacklisted IP address or domain.
You have probably forgotten the security is there because you are already logged in or your IP/domain isn't banned.
Disable the security; perform the Installatron task; re-instate the security.
If you don't know where the security is coming from: check your webhosting control panel for a 'password protection' tool (this might be among the other tools, alongside Installatron, or you might find it inside the 'file manager'/'files' tool); use the 'file manager'/'files' tool to look for files named ".htaccess" (*) starting in the account's home directory and following the path to where the app is installed -- these files have the potential to block access (but they can also perform important tasks so be careful); similarly, look for directories named ".passwds/"; ask your webhosting provider or server administrator for advice.
* note that files and directories beginning with '.' might be hidden until you set '[x]show hidden files' somewhere first.
ClientExec requires that the PHP 'mbstring' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mbstring" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
Drupal requires that the PHP 'mbstring' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mbstring" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
OrangeHRM requires that the PHP 'mysqli' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mysqli" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
Oxwall requires that the server's "/tmp" directory exists and is writable.
Contact your webhosting provider or server administrator and ask them to check that the "/tmp" directory exists and that it is CHMOD 777.
If they don't wish to create this directory or make it writable to everyone then they should disable the Oxwall installer from Installatron administration » Access Control.
PrestaShop requires these PHP extensions and modules:
curl, fileinfo, gd, mcrypt, pdo_mysql, openssl, simplexml, soap, zip
PrestaShop requires that the PHP 'allow_url_fopen' value is set to "On".
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
You'll find the version at the top-left of the page.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix any of the PHP-related problems from there, otherwise for a PHP-related problem will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change them for you.
If your MySQL version is not sufficient to run Magento then you will need to ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to update it for you.
Pydio requires that the PHP 'mcrypt' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mcrypt" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
Pydio requires that the PHP 'mcrypt' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mcrypt" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
A HTTP '503' error means 'Service Unavailable' and there are 5 known possible causes:
1. If you just recently changed your PHP version then you might see that error until the changes are finished being processed by your server. It doesn't usually take more than a few minutes.
2. The server is in maintenance mode. This is probably the main reason you should see a 503 error (unless you're getting a 503 for the wrong reason).
3. The server was experiencing too many connection attempts at that exact moment that Installatron tried to make that call and the server wasn't able to process the call.
4. Server time limits have been known to cause this error (though, they shouldn't).
5. If your webhosting service is with GoDaddy then it's likely that the "lsapi_backend_max_process_time" server time limit is set too low.
1. Wait a few minutes and try again.
2. If it gives the same error, try loading your domain directly into your web browser; if it shows a message stating that the server is in maintenance mode then there's nothing you can do except wait for your webhosting provider to finish what they are doing. Though, if the message remains for more than a few hours you could contact them to ask if they know how long it will remain so.
3. If there's no maintenance message on the domain's website then you could just try the Installatron task again, because if the problem is caused by item (3) above -- a high server load -- then you would expect that eventually an attempt to perform the task will work. But I wouldn't try it more than 3 or 4 times in total because that's enough to test this theory.
Finally, if you've reached this far and you're still seeing only 503 errors then it might be caused by (4) above. In this case, try setting these PHP time limits:
max_execution_time = 360 default_socket_timeout = 360 request_terminate_timeout = 0 (php-fpm only)
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly change these values from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to increase these values for you.
5. Contact GoDaddy and ask them to check /etc/apache2/conf.d/lsapi.conf for the current value of lsapi_backend_max_process_time. If the value is less than 3000 then set it to 3000, or if there is no value set for lsapi_backend_max_process_time then add it and set it to 3000.
The reason this increase is required is that Magento + demo content is a very large application (about 1GB) and the default time limit of 300 might be too low.
The server administrator may also need to kill the lsphp processes and restarted Apache afterwards. And even then we have heard of it taking some time before the new value takes effect.
The HTTP '507' error means that your Dropbox quota is exceeded.
Check your Dropbox quota and try again when you have storage available.
If the server uses the PHP suhosin extension then this is likely to be caused by a problem involving Phar.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "suhosin" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
Add this line to the relevant php.ini:
suhosin.executor.include.whitelist="phar" (
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change this for you.
Drupal requires that the PHP 'memory_limit' value is set to at least 64M.
Drupal requires that the PHP 'mbstring' extension is enabled.
Drupal requires that the PHP 'mbstring.http_input' feature is disabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "memory_limit", "mbstring", and "mbstring.http_input" to confirm that one of these is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change them for you.
Elgg has a minimum requirement of PHP version 5.5.9.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
You'll find the version at the top-left of the page.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change it for you.
Group Office requires that the PHP 'pdo_mysql' extension is installed.
Group Office requires that the PHP 'mysqli' extension is installed.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
< phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "pdo_mysql" and "mysqli" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add these for you.
Live Site requires that a PHP version lower than 5.5.
Live Site requires that the PHP 'mbstring' extension is enabled.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
The PHP version is found at the top-left of the page, and search for "mbstring" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change them for you.
Magento requires that a PHP version lower than 7.0. At the time of writing (see here for the latest information), Magento supports these PHP versions:
5.5.22–5.5.x 5.6.x 7.0.2 7.0.6–7.0.x
Magento requires these PHP extensions and modules:
curl, gd, intl, mbstring*, mcrypt, mhash, openssl, pdo_mysql, simplexml, soap, xml, xsl, zip, json**, iconv** * some webhosting providers will not include this by default ** required only for PHP 7
Magento requires that the PHP 'proc_close()' function is enabled.
Magento requires that the PHP 'php_uname()' function is enabled.
Magento requires that the PHP 'always_populate_raw_post_data' value is set to "-1" to disable it.
Magento requires that the PHP 'max_execution_time' value is set to more than the default 30 -- we recommend 360.
Magento requires that the PHP 'memory_limit' value is set to at least 256M.
Magento requires that the PHP 'sql.safe_mode' value is set to "Off" to disable it.
Magento does not usually install when PHP's 'open_basedir' restrictions are in use.
You can check these extensions, functions, and values by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
The PHP version is found at the top-left of the page, and search for the other values and extension names to determine if any of them are the likely cause of the error.
Magento requires MySQL 5.6+ (or the MariaDB equivalent). The MySQL version can probably be found in your webhosting control panel (under "server information" or similar) otherwise you will need to ask your webhosting provider.
Magento requires Composer be installed on the server.
Magento requires read/write access to the server's /tmp directory.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix any of the PHP-related problems from there, otherwise for a PHP-related problem will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to change them for you.
If your MySQL version is not sufficient to run Magento then you will need to ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to update it for you.
Composer errors are something only your webhosting provider or server administrator can check and address.
Omeka requires that Apache's 'mod_rewrite' module is installed or your server's equivalent.
Omeka requires that the PHP 'pdo_mysql' extension is installed.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mysqli" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If 'mysqli' is missing from your PHP configuration and if your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
A 'mod_rewrite' problem is something that only your webhosting provider or server administrator can check and address.
OwnCloud requires that PHP's 'intl.default_locale' setting has a default value. Not all webhosting services will include a default value in in their PHP configurations. This error will be shown at the (incompletely-installed) web page:
Setting locale to en_US.UTF-8/fr_FR.UTF-8/es_ES.UTF-8/de_DE.UTF-8/ru_RU.UTF-8/pt_BR.UTF-8/it_IT.UTF-8/ja_JP.UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8 failed Please install one of these locales on your system and restart your webserver.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "intl.default_locale" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
OwnCloud requires that MySQL's binary logging is disabled or BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. This is much less likely to be the cause of an OwnCloud problem but needs to be considered if the above is correct.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there by giving this setting a value of "en_US.UTF-8" (for example), otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add the value for you.
OwnCloud's MySQL server configuration requirements are detailed here.
Oxwall requires that the PHP 'mbstring' extension is installed.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mbstring" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add it for you.
PrestaShop requires that either the PHP 'mysql' or 'mysqli' extension is installed. Or both, but not neither.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mysql" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add them for you.
There is a problem with SilverStripe's Italian translation that prevents it from being installed with that locale selected.
SilverStripe requires these PHP extensions and modules:
dom, gd, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysql or mysqli, session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml * some webhosting providers will not include this by default
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for those extensions (especially "mbstring") to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add the missing extension for you.
The WHMCS administrator password must be at least 5 characters long.
WHMCS requires that the MySQL 'sql_mode' value is not set to strict. This can only be checked by your webhosting provider or server administrator.
Oxwall requires that the PHP 'ioncube' extension is installed.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "ioncube" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
Make sure that the administrator password that you enter for the application is at least 5 characters long.
Ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to edit this file:
Find the sql_mode= line and change it to:
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix missing extensions from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add the missing extension for you.
WordPress requires that either the PHP 'mysql' or 'mysqli' extension is installed. Or both, but not neither.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mysql" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to select your PHP version then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to contact your webhosting provider or server administrator to ask them to add them for you.
Dada Mail requires that the "Perl DBI" and "DBD-mysql" modules are enabled.
Look for a way to enable these modules from your webhosting control panel. If you can't find them then ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to add them for you.
MODx requires that PHP's 'date.timezone' parameter has a value.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "date.timezone" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
Look for a way to enable these modules from your webhosting control panel. If you can't find them then ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to add a value for you.
phpScheduleIt requires that the PHP 'mysqli' extension is installed.
You can check this by creating a file named "phpinfo.php" in the directory where you are trying to install the app, and give it this content:
<? phpinfo(); ?>
And you will then be able to see your PHP configuration here:
Search for "mysqli" to confirm that this is the likely cause of the error.
If your webhosting control panel allows you to customize your PHP configuration then you can possibly fix this from there, otherwise you will need to ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to add it for you.
As of version 3.5, Moodle requires the Barracuda SQL disk format. The Barracuda disk format is only standard on MySQL 5.6+ (or the MariaDB equivalent). Earlier versions of MySQL/MariaDB will default to the older Antelope disk format.
You can read about it on the Moodle website here: Converting InnoDB tables to Barracuda
This is not something that Installatron can automatically handle, unfortunately, so we recommend that if an administrator wants Moodle 3.5+ to be installable on their server then they should update MySQL to a version that defaults to Barracuda.
Here is a tip for ensuring that MySQL 5.6 databases default to the Barracuda disk format:
. It might be only only necessity to add/edit one line in my.cnf or my.ini: innodb_file_format=Barracuda -and restart mysql. . All old dbs will continue to use the old Antelope format. . All new dbs will use Barracuda. . (I don't know if the same edit works for earlier versions of MySQL)
All of the above gets your server ready to work with Moodle 3.5 but it doesn't cover the situation where you have an existing Moodle that uses the older Antelope MySQL disk format and now you want to upgrade to 3.5 where it requires Barracuda. There are essentially two options here:
Note that it's likely that everything described here can only be performed by the webhosting provider or server administrator.
A number of apps require the PDO MYSQL PHP extension, which is not standard on all hosting control panels.
Add the PDO MYSQL extension to PHP, or disable affected apps within Installatron Admin » Application: Access Control.
Zurmo requires that MySQL's 'max_sp_recursion_depth' parameter has a value of 100 or more.
Ask your webhosting provider or server administrator to increase the value for you.
This process updates the preview image for the application in the user's My Applications tab, in Installatron.
Finding the correct value to enter for Path when importing a remote application (ie. a Migration) can be difficult because it depends on how the local and remote servers are configured. But the correct value will be one of these:
This means a path starting with "/" and then proceeding from the source account's home directory to the application's files. Some examples:
/public_html/ /public_html/blog/ /public_html/ /domains/ /domains/ /
This means a full, absolute server path to the application's files. These look the same as the above paths except they include the path from the root to the account's home directory. Some examples:
/home/yourusername/public_html/ /home/yourusername/public_html/blog/ /home/yourusername/public_html/ /home2/yourusername/domains/ /home2/yourusername/domains/ /var/www/vhosts/ C:\inetpub\vhosts\\
This means a path that does not start with "/", that goes from where the FTP/SSH login logs in to the application's files. Some examples:
(if the FTP/SSH login logs in directly to the app's files then you can leave Path blank) public_html/ (if the FTP/SSH login logs in to the account's home directory) blog/ (if the FTP/SSH login logs in to the domain's public document root)
So there you have the 3 possible Path values that might be needed in this field. We described them in that order for clarity however we recommend trying them in this order: 1, 3, 2
Why that order? Because it's the most likely order that they will work in. And in most cases we find that the paths described by '1' are correct.
Your webhosting control panel will often tell you the absolute path to your account's home directory, which is required by '2', should you need it. From there you can use the Files or File Manager tool from your control panel to explore the path structure from your account's home directory to the location of your application's files.
Alternatively, you can create a file named "pwd.php" in the application's main directory and give the file this content:
<? pwd(); ?>
Then load this URL into your web browser:
And that will show you the full, absolute server path to the location of that file (and therefore to the application's files). That will tell you the value of '2' and from there you can work out what to remove to find the '1' path value.