
Installatron Plugin Licensing API

Version: 1.1


The Installatron Plugin Licensing API is a simple HTTP API that enables Installatron Plugin licensing to be automated. Licenses can also be managed through the standard Installatron Licensing Portal.

How is billing handled?

Annual and monthly licenses are billed on the 1st of the next month. Automatic renewal is enabled by default for all licenses.

How does the API authenticate?

An API authentication key is used in place of your account's login credentials. API authentication keys are managed through your Installatron account.

Can I receive API output in JSON format?

Yes, simply use "api=json" instead of "api=" for the request.


Please contact Installatron Support with any questions.

Table of contents

Add/Provision a license

Sample requests

Sample request to order a monthly dedicated server license:


Sample request to order an annual VPS license:


Distributor accounts only: Sample request to order an external monthly dedicated server license:


ip is IP address the license will be assigned to.
type is the term of the license. Valid values: monthly or annual
vps is an optional field that flags the license as VPS-only.
external is an optional field that flags the license as external. This field will only works for distributor accounts.

Sample responses

Sample success response for a monthly license:


license_id is the internal ID of the purchased license. This is a randomized INT(10).
expires is the next date the license will be due for renewal. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
billed is amount billed to a saved payment method. Monthly licenses are not billed until the 1st of the next month.

Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No payment method on file

message is a url-encoded string describing why the failure occurred.

List licenses (with optional filtering)

Sample requests


license_id is an optional field that allows the result set to be filtered by license ID specifically.
ip is an optional field that allows the result set to be filtered by license IP address specifically.
q is an optional general search field that allows the result set to be filtered by license hostname, license IP, or license ID. Other filters can be included as well. For example, including :active in the query limits the result to active licenses. Other available filters include :unused and :expiring. If not included, all licenses are displayed.

Sample response for each license


n[license_id] is the internal ID of the license. Format: INT(10).
n[type] is the license term. Valid values are 'monthly', 'annual', and 'lifetime'.
n[expires] is the next date the license will be due for renewal. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
n[ip] is the licensed IPv4 or IPv6 address.
n[hostname] is the licensed server's hostname. This value is for display purposes only and will update from time to time; it is not associated with licensing.

Tip: Passing the full result through PHP's parse_str function makes parsing easy.

Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No licenses matched

message is a url-encoded string describing why the failure occurred.

List licenses in CSV format

Sample request


Sample response


Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No licenses matched

List licenses in JSON format

Sample request


Sample response

A list of licenses in JSON format is returned.


Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No licenses matched

Update/Reassign license IP(s)

Sample requests


ip[license_id] is the IP address the license by the ID license_id is to be updated to.

Sample responses


Sample failure response:


Terminate/Expire a license (by IP address)

Sample requests


ip is the IP address of the license to be terminated.

Sample responses


license_ip is the IP address of the license that is now terminated.

Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No license found by the IP

message is a url-encoded string describing why the failure occurred.

Terminate/Expire a license (by ID)

Sample requests


license_id is the internal ID of the license to be terminated.

Sample responses


license_id is the internal ID of the license that is now terminated.

Sample failure response:

result=false&message=No license found by the ID 5193

message is a url-encoded string describing why the failure occurred.

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