TYPO3 11.5.29
20 July 2023
TYPO3 version 11.5.29 is now available.
Upgrading to TYPO3 11.5.29
TYPO3 11.5.29 can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply TYPO3 updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing TYPO3 install to test the 11.5.29 upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your TYPO3 installations with Installatron
What's New in TYPO3 11.5.29
Bug Fixes and Changes
- [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 11.5.29 (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [BUGFIX] Use correct fallback type for GeneralUtility::sanitizeLocalUrl (thanks to Oliver Klee)
- [BUGFIX] Respect data-content for modals again (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
- [TASK] Add more tests for GeneralUtility::isOnCurrentHost (thanks to Oliver Klee)
- [BUGFIX] Fix workspace stage-change mail recipient selection (thanks to Benjamin Franzke)
- [TASK] Update URL bar in nested backend installtool (thanks to Benjamin Franzke)
- [BUGFIX] Support deferred ConsumerScope in GlobalEventHandler (thanks to Nicole Cordes)
- [TASK] Add "_gl" param to excludedParameters for cacheHash (thanks to Tomasz Woldański)
- [DOCS] Fix link to community extension documentation (thanks to Philipp Kuhlmay)
- [BUGFIX] Allow EmailFinisher recipients override with TypoScript again (thanks to Gerrit Mohrmann)
- [BUGFIX] Respect sub-requests in HTTP referrer redirect URL evaluation (thanks to Torben Hansen)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid exception for recent documents (thanks to Stephan Großberndt)
- [BUGFIX] Normalize filename of uploaded files (thanks to Oliver Hader)
- [DOCS] Link to issues in category "Redirects Handling" (thanks to Sybille Peters)
- [BUGFIX] Change column metaphone to varchar (thanks to Stefan Froemken)
- [BUGFIX] Fix documentation of "show dialog" in Workspaces (thanks to Susanne Moog)
- [DOCS] Add sections on allowedContent and its siblings (thanks to Philipp Kitzberger)
- [BUGFIX] Respect nullable date time fields (thanks to jakotadesigngroup)
- [BUGFIX] Provide languageField in case it's missing (thanks to Henrik Elsner)
- [BUGFIX] Loosen types for PSR-7 message implementation (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [BUGFIX] Use event delegation for frontend links (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
- [BUGFIX] Skip email reports in validator task if no email is set (thanks to Mario Lubenka)
- [BUGFIX] Allow to include YouTube shorts (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [BUGFIX] Prevent PHP warnings in IconFactory for tables with missing "ctrl" (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
- [BUGFIX] Prevent exception caused by hash collisions in indexed_search (thanks to Florian Schöppe)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid SQL errors in PageRepository->versionOL (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [TASK] Add functional tests for indexed_search (thanks to Florian Schöppe)
- [TASK] Remove @internal for MfaProvider classes (thanks to Thomas Hohn)
- [BUGFIX] Properly show indeterminate state of categories (thanks to Andreas Nedbal)
- [BUGFIX] Resolve page with trailing slash requested without one (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid symfony/property-access in getGettablePropertyNames() (thanks to Alexander Schnitzler)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid reaching placeholder limit in DataMapProcessor (thanks to Guillaume Germain)
- [BUGFIX] Prevent undefined array key warnings in PageRepository (thanks to Oliver Bartsch)
- [BUGFIX] Prevent PHP 8 warning in ContentObjectRenderer (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [BUGFIX] Avoid BackendUser access in AdminPanel constructor (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [DOCS] Outline ext:felogin behavior when plugin is hidden at login (thanks to Torben Hansen)
- [TASK] Streamline "referrer" spelling in felogin code (thanks to Markus Klein)
- [TASK] Add more excludedParameters from common systems (thanks to Tymoteusz Motylewski)
- [TASK] Raise 'phpstan/phpstan' and regenerate baseline (thanks to Christian Kuhn)
- [BUGFIX] Fix counting of doktypes in DatabaseIntegrityCheck (thanks to Nikita Hovratov)
- [BUGFIX] Make list of webmount page ids really unique (thanks to Andreas Fernandez)
- [TASK] Add site request tests page-id and language-id query params (thanks to Oliver Hader)
- [BUGFIX] Harmonize site configurations "flag" setting (thanks to Benni Mack)
- [BUGFIX] Add ESCAPE keyword for like() and `notLike() expressions (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
- [TASK] Raise phpstan/phpstan and friends (thanks to Stefan Bürk)
- [TASK] Add the new Google tracking parameter "gad" by default (thanks to Chris Müller)
- [BUGFIX] Force correct type in ActionViewHelpers (thanks to Georg Ringer)
- [BUGFIX] DatabaseUpdatedPrerequisite returns correct ensure-state (thanks to Alexander Opitz)
- [DOCS] Correct wrong code sample in CheckboxViewHelper sample (thanks to Florian Rival)
- [TASK] Set TYPO3 version to 11.5.29-dev (thanks to Benni Mack)