12 November 2024
Shopware version is now available (major release).
Upgrading to Shopware
Shopware can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply Shopware updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing Shopware install to test the upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your Shopware installations with Installatron
What's New in Shopware
Bug Fixes
- Fix cookie issue and follow redirect in HOT reload
Bug Fixes and Changes
- Unique Ids for address forms
- Do not use case insensitive validation of vat ids (Max)
- Use correct locale when switching language (Melvin Achterhuis)
- Select all required inputs in addresses (@miljkovic5)
- Fix cms form reset on unsuccessful ajax submission (Paik Paustian)
- Add error on unstoppable submit events, that should be handled by form-ajax-submit plugin (Joshua Behrens)
- Add cross selling tab to variants (Elias Lackner)
- Fix back/forward cache issue in language switch (Niklas Wolf)
- Fix to handle Google ReCaptcha double form submit (Carlo Cecco)
- Updated ignored URL parameters for http cache (tinect)
- Cancelled order should not be editable in the storefront (Carlo Cecco)
- Export products without manufacturer
- Just apply filters of the criteria builder to build the sync criteria (@OliverSkroblin)
- Add new inner block to order list bulk slot (Ioannis Pourliotis)
- Changed PromotionGatewayInterface return type to PromotionCollection (Max)
- Move label outside of button group
- Dispatch Address Validation Events With Correct Name In CheckoutConfirmPageLoader (Alessandro Aussems)
- Extending context (Oliver Skroblin)
- Fix demodata of mapped fields (Max)
- Fix double slash in sitemap urls for entities without seo url (Benny Poensgen)
- Fix custom stock storages (Felix Schneider)
- Changed algo for DataContextHash in CartProcessor (tinect)
- Refactor getContext method to include SalesChannelId (@raffaelecarelle)
- Removing ratingSuccess variable in twig (Joschi)
- Fix watch storefront multi saleschannel with multi theme
- Added WriteBatchInterface (tinect)
- Fix overlapping text in cookie configuration in safari (Joschi)
- Fix the selected customer when creating a new order (Moritz Müller)
- Add criteria titles to wishlist Store APIs (Joshua Behrens)
- Removed non-existent argument from pre-commit ecs-fix (now using php-cs-fixer instead of ecs) (@raffaelecarelle)
- Allow ThemeCreateCommand.php to create static themes (@raffaelecarelle)
- chore: Add native return type to subscriber (@aragon999)
- Do not yield an error if the .finish-ordernumber element cannot be found (Max)
- Add new console command "cache:clear:all" (Raffaele Carelle)
- Fix typo in CartCalculator (@JoshuaBehrens)
- Fix imitate customer button (Benjamin Wittwer)
- Only add invalid class when field violation is present (Jasper Peeters)
- Remove internal state from Defaults (@OliverSkroblin)
- Fix WriteCommandQueue command order (Benjamin Wittwer)
- Add frame-ancestors to default Content-Security-Policy Header (Florian Liebig)
- Use constant from parent class in InstallServicesTask.php (@ablazejuk)
- Remove internal from ids collection (Oliver Skroblin)
- Allow generic store api response (Oliver Skroblin)
- Remove deprecation of AppSystemTestBehaviour (@OliverSkroblin)
- Fix colorpicker overlapping issue (Florian Liebig)
- Fix styling input groups (Wanne Van Camp)
- Added landing page provider for sitemap
- Resolve seoUrls in cmsPage content via store API
- Fix the bug that changed stocks are not updated to es
- Using product stream preview API to load products when assigning a dynamic product group to a category
- Metrics public interfaces
- Rewrite Hot Reload to support HTTPS
- Support TLS proxy for hot reloading
- Enable headless sales channel without a theme assigned
- Customer is created despite error by using Admin API
- Improve CMS display mode configuration and preview
- Fix image slider on mobile
- Remove JSON API content type from request body
- Catch exception if local storage is blocked
- Configurable layout filter in the category settings
- Show selected customer in create order popup when navigating from customer module
- Improved redis config structure
- Add form prefix
- Changed HTML sanitizer for mail template footers and headers
- Missing block in sw-customer-imitate-customer-modal component
- Fixed snippet file sorting in snippet module
- Add opensearch sigv4 credential provider configuration
- Properties in product detail page are sorted randomly
- Changed to cleanup custom fields before save to DB
- Removal of obsolete method in DefinitionValidator
- rename stores with the Store suffix ([Iván Tajes Vidal](án Tajes Vidal))
- Unify config files
- Migrate Admin Menu Store to Pinia ([Iván Tajes Vidal](án Tajes Vidal))
- Dispatch editing user through extension API
- Additional bundles from bundle
- Validate cache states before persisting response to cache
- Allow delete by filter over sync API
- Product number range cannot be created
- Add Prettier to the Administration
- Fix required zip-code field (Vladimir Miljkovic)
- Added salesChannelId parameter to TestShortHands integration tests trait
- Improve contrast for inputs and remove button
- Deprecate unused auth endpoint
- Allow csv, xls and xlsx in media manager
- Improved category and product indexing for many entities at once
- Fix breadcrumbs API for the LP
- Add directory code coverage for service package in phpunit
- Fix conflict between same filenames during build
- Add global exports to Shopware object
- Remove internal flag from Defaults (Oliver Skroblin)
- Fill the last_usage_at date in the integration table
- Remove deprecation of AppSystemTestBehaviour (Oliver Skroblin)