Nextcloud Hub 28.0.10
13 September 2024
Nextcloud Hub version 28.0.10 is now available.
Upgrading to Nextcloud Hub 28.0.10
Nextcloud Hub 28.0.10 can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply Nextcloud Hub updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing Nextcloud Hub install to test the 28.0.10 upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your Nextcloud Hub installations with Installatron
What's New in Nextcloud Hub 28.0.10
Bug Fixes and Logs
- Build(deps): bump jquery-ui-dist from 1.13.2 to 1.13.3 (server#46483)
- Fix: Pass the mountpoint target user to storages without owner (server#46680)
- Fix(files): Provide default file action for file entry name (on click action) (server#46939)
- Fix npm audit (server#47019)
- Fix(files): Correctly validate new node name (server#47035)
- Fix(trashbin): Correctly set original name as displayname (server#47037)
- Fix(userstatus): run user status automation job for start and end events (server#47214)
- Fix/comment deleting with activities installed (server#47233)
- Fix(webauthn): Increase database column for public key id (server#47246)
- Don’t save translated predefined user status as custom status (server#47262)
- Fix(sharing): Pin @nextcloud/dialogs to a version that doesn’t use Nextcloud 29 APIs (server#47271)
- Fix(FileList): Update filelist or share save (server#47318)
- Fix(user_ldap): Catch DB Exceptions when updating group memberships (server#47335)
- Fix(caldav): allow renaming of birthday calendars (server#47336)
- Fix(setupcheck): Fix mimetype server version check in backport (server#47377)
- Fix(theming): Make getImage() call save against missing non-SVG version (server#47383)
- Fix(files): Adjust import of `ShareType` (server#47386)
- Fix(caldav): limit property length (server#47420)
- Fix: Trusted server icon recovery without addressbook change (server#47427)
- Fix: csrf check failed on public share with password (server#47445)
- Fix npm audit (server#47472)
- Fix(mailer): Call to custom mail_template_class (server#47476)
- Fix(flow): cannot set custom user agent (server#47481)
- Fix: gracefully handle unexpected exif orientation types (server#47531)
- Fix(files): fix list gap at bottom (server#47537)
- Fix(provisionning_api): Remove parameters that are not set into template (server#47572)
- Fix: optimise `getWrongShareOwnership` query (server#47576)
- Fix: re-enable content-length header via htaccess (server#47622)
- Fix(config): Avoid error messages for restricted opcache API (server#47624)
- Fix(files): Reset drop notice on firefox (server#47639)
- Fix npm audit (server#47669)
- LinkReferenceProvider] Better size check (server#47697)
- Oauth2] Store hashed secret instead of encrypted (server#47701)
- Fix(settings): Fix sharing exclude groups from password requirement option not working (server#47714)
- Fix: only keep major as server version (server#47722)
- Fix(dav): adjust usages of webdav.customRequest (server#47732)
- Fix status check and saving of external storages (server#47735)
- Fix(files): undefined sidebar (server#47746)
- Fix(files): Create non-existent parents of mountpoints (server#47749)
- Fix(appstore): Cache apps.json also on dev instances (server#47766)
- Fix: Use sha256 to hash arguments of background jobs (server#47776)
- Feat(transfer-ownership): Correctly react to encrypted files (server#47779)
- Fix(dav): Always respond custom error page on exceptions (server#47785)
- Fix(files): Correctly parse external shares for files UI (server#47797)
- Bump nextcloud/vue from `8.6.2` to `8.8.1` (activity#1583)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (activity#1680)
- Fix npm audit (files_pdfviewer#1034)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump adm-zip from 0.5.15 to 0.5.16 (files_pdfviewer#1042)
- Chore(deps-dev): Bump axios from 1.7.5 to 1.7.6 (files_pdfviewer#1043)
- Fix npm audit (firstrunwizard#1322)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (nextcloud_announcements#379)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (notifications#2028)
- Fix: remove nextcloud_photos_ tmp files when done (photos#2609)
- Fix npm audit (photos#2621)
- Fix: allow dot in mounted on (serverinfo#666)
- Update nextcloud/ocp dependency (serverinfo#677)
- Fix reconnecting websocket polyfill and error propagation during push (text#6204)
- Fix(attachments): Uploading of attachments from public shares (text#6214)
- Fix npm audit (text#6239)
- Fix: catch all errors when getting rich workspace content (text#6245)
- Ci(cypress): Fix file list link selector (text#6265)
- Fix(editorApi): Add support for a onCreate callback that gets content (text#6276)
- Allow viewing of attachments when shared by mail (text#6286)
- Fix: hide menu Link to file for direct editing (text#6288)
- Fix npm audit (text#6308)
- Fix(Table): Fix pasting content with newlines to table cells (text#6317)
- Fix npm audit (viewer#2408)