Laravel 11.35.0
12 December 2024
Laravel version 11.35.0 is now available (major release).
What's New in Laravel 11.35.0
Bug Fixes and Changes
- Supports Symfony 7.2 by @crynobone in #53585
- Fix database reconnecting logic by @stancl in #53693
- Test Improvements by @crynobone in #53708
- Fix foreignIdFor() when the foreign key is a non-incrementing integer other than ULID by @edgrosvenor in #53696
- Allow sorting routes by precedence in artisan routes:list. by @mathieutu in #53706
- Update the message for the schedule:work command. by @AbdelElrafa in #53710
- Support auto-discovery of PSR-17 implementations by @hafezdivandari in #53711
- Improve Error Handler in the ProcessDriver by @WillTorres10 in #53712
- Comment grammar fixes by @nexxai in #53714
- Replace get_called_class with static::class by @fernandokbs in #53725
- Add the pivot's related model when creating from attributes by @alexwass-lr in #53694
- use a consistent alias for Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection by @browner12 in #53730
- switch Collection::make() for new Collection() by @browner12 in #53733
- always alias the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection by @browner12 in #53735
- convert collect() helper to new Collection() by @browner12 in #53726
- Improves Collection support for enums using firstWhere() and value() by @crynobone in #53777
- Add Conditionable Trait to Request by @ahmeti in #53775
- Ignore health endpoint when in maintenance mode by @joshmanders in #53772
- Add ability to transform Http\Client\Response into Fluent by @stevebauman in #53771
- set schema to smtps if MAIL_ENCRYPTION === tls by @danielrona in #53749
- more consistent and readable chaining by @browner12 in #53748
- Fix the RateLimiter issue when using dynamic keys by @MilesChou in #53763
- Add ability to customize or disable Http\Client\RequestException message truncation by @stevebauman in #53734
- Include the initial value in the return types of reduce() by @lorenzolosa in #53798
- Add pingOnSuccessIf & pingOnFailureIf to Schedule handling by @lucacastelnuovo in #53795
- Improve PHPDoc for nullable properties in Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder class by @xurshudyan in #53793
- Remove usage of compact() in Container by @KennedyTedesco in #53789
- Make Exceptions@dontTruncateRequestExceptions() fluent by @cosmastech in #53786
- Make mailables tappable by @kevinb1989 in #53788
- URI by @taylorotwell in #53731
- Require laravel/serializable-closure on Database component by @patrickcarlohickman in #53822
- use new PHP 8 str_ functions by @browner12 in #53817
- handle password_hash() failures better by @browner12 in #53821
- remove unnecessary return statement by @browner12 in #53816
- simplify passing arguments to when() by @browner12 in #53815
- remove redundant array_values call by @browner12 in #53814
- prefer assignment over array_push for 1 element by @browner12 in #53813
- fix chopStart and chopEnd tests by @browner12 in #53812
- remove temporary variables by @browner12 in #53810
- fix $events docblock type by @browner12 in #53808
- Fix docblock for URI by @cosmastech in #53804
- Bump nanoid from 3.3.7 to 3.3.8 in /src/Illuminate/Foundation/resources/exceptions/renderer by @dependabot in #53831
- use promoted properties by @browner12 in #53807
- Revert "use promoted properties" by @taylorotwell in #53832
- Using throw config of filesystem disks when faking by @emulgeator in #53779
- Fix schema names on DatabaseTruncation trait (PostgreSQL and SQLServer) by @hafezdivandari in #53787