
Update Feed

Installatron Plugin 9.1.61

1 September 2023

IP-3780-1 Added internal support for PHP 8.2.
IP-3627-1 Added support for user-level .settings file, which will slowly phase the existing user-level .prefs file out of use.
IP-3789-1 Fixed a case where Automatic Update rollback would fail to execute on servers without a paid license.
IP-3848-1 Fixed a regression causing Single Application Mode to display in the UI incorrectly.
IP-3855-1 Fixed an issue where a fatal error could occur in the Install UI.
IP-3858-1 Fixed a regression which allowed the system to forget an administrator's update-related notification defaults.
IP-3859-1 Fixed an issue impacting the SFTP layer where the connection's password was visible in a specific error message.
IP-3747-1 SeedDMS: Fixed detection of database information.
9.1.61-2: IP-3908-1 Fixed small CSS issue related to dropdown fields.
9.1.61-2: IP-3895-1 Fixed handling of `errcode` API field so that it correctly persists between API requests.
9.1.61-2: IP-3919-1 Fixed display of backups uploaded directly to ~/application_backups directory.
9.1.61-3: IP-3957-1 Fixed the task scheduler from continuing to schedule tasks beyond what it can process over a daily period.
9.1.61-3: IP-3956-1 Fixed display of foreground-processed installations on the My Applications UI so they don't show as failure-status.
9.1.61-4: IP-3847-1 Fixed a fatal error which could occur under PHP 8.2+ if the MySQL port read for an installation was malformed.
9.1.61-4: IP-3984-1 Fixed a regression which could cause a "file not found" error for some types of backups.
9.1.61-4: IP-3984-1 Added improved display of backup Expiry information.
9.1.61-5: IP-4084-1 Added internal support for PHP 8.3.
9.1.61-6: IP-4094-1 Added internal support for phpseclib3 3.0.39.
9.1.61-7: IP-4044-1 Fixed a case where the MariaDB version detected was incorrect.
9.1.61-8: IP-4100-1 Fixed Google Drive download links to no longer produce a 403 error when not logged into the Google account.
9.1.61-8: IP-4136-1 Fixed fatal error which could occur within the task scheduler process, causing the process to terminate prematurely.
9.1.61-8: IP-4133-1 Virtualmin: Fixed an issue where some SSL-enabled websites were not visible.
9.1.61-9: IP-4161-1 DirectAdmin: Fixed an issue where DirectAdmin Menu links may not loaded as expected.
9.1.61-9: IP-4177-1 cPanel: Fixed a regression where execution Installatron hooks under /scripts/premodifyacct were skipped.

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