
Update Feed

Installatron Plugin 6.1.2

2 March 2011

Added ability for admin and resellers to re-send upgrade notification emails to users.
Added ability for the server admin to only allow the most recent version of each application to be installed. In special cases such as Joomla where there are multiple version branches, the latest version from each version branch will be available.
Added more detailed error message when incompatible versions are selected to be installed.
Handling of files with incorrect CHMOD and/or ownership has been greatly improved.
The Uninstall and Backup wizards will now generate a file list quicker. This is especially noticeable for large installs.
Improved the link to the "Detailed" view of Application Browser by making it more visible.
Fixed minor CSS glitches on Application Browser.
Localization: Added date and time customization for localizations through the variables _format_date and _format_time.
MySQL 6: Fixed compatibility issues with the upcoming MySQL 6.
cPanel: Fixed File Manager and Database links when XSRF protection is enabled.
cPanel Enkompass: Fixed compatibility with Enkompass 1.6 and later versions.
Plesk 10: Secondary subscription users now correctly have access to Installatron.

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