Dolibarr 20.0.3
6 January 2025
Dolibarr version 20.0.3 is now available.
Upgrading to Dolibarr 20.0.3
Dolibarr 20.0.3 can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply Dolibarr updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing Dolibarr install to test the 20.0.3 upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your Dolibarr installations with Installatron
What's New in Dolibarr 20.0.3
Bug Fixes
- missing error handling for FactureRec::fetch in card-rec.php
- warnings due to uninitialized variables + delete code that doesn't apply to recurring invoices (AFAIK, there is no recurring credit note feature)
- TVA Account by country is not used (#31984)
- store empty line extrafields (#32152)
- missing parameter on function multiSelectArrayWithCheckbox (#32008)
- repair.php: fix missing 'as' with Postgres (#32179)
- Error with report by month sales tax
- Social Contribution - Update - Drop the attached employee
- Dict - module Event organisation is stable now
- Accounting Closure Duplicates, Subledger accounts, Account Labels and more... Update bookkeeping.class.php
- add a line in expensereport refused
- All contacts were loaded even if no thirdparty was selected (#31877)
- asset: missing ref_ext field used in CommonObject::isExistingObject() (#31870)
- assets: division by zero when trying to calculate depreciation on assets that don't have it (#31858)
- avoid php8 warnings
- broken feature, check if module is enabled
- broken feature, entity can not be empty !
- broken feature, wrong GETPOSTINT parameter
- BUG #32454 (Third party creating vendor)
- calculate start date of cloned task from cloned project (#31799)
- can not convert to reduc if draft status
- comparing strings with numbers can be touchy
- Debug option not working replaced by the one that works.
- default user in stat page
- Ensure extraparams cannot be selected by the user (#32132)
- GETPOST "$check" parameter can't be empty
- Hidden dropdown download link in project
- stop doing a full closure without duplicate lines generated by an unclean database
- in projet/element.php total_time is always back to 0
- (invoice): mutlicurrency_tx correct value
- invoice: revenue stamp wrongly converted to int (#31840)
- issue #28222 Edit date extrafield displayed on all on lines (#31914)
- "location_incoterms" is a string
- missing hook parameters
- old copy not needed in supplier order create method (#31733)
- send mail to BCC when email formatted as Fullname <email> (#31983)
- set birthday alert (#32133)
- Status not correct in Public ticket list (#31922)
- swiftmailer: correctly set errors-to header (#31826)
- TakePos barcode rule (#31857)
- Takepos: set the country of the default customer (#31915)
- Update Accounting closure with missing too many A-Nouveau #30039)
- Update on a sold line of bank entry set the type to empty, now it's fixed #22539 (#31888)
- update status on create supplier order for trigger (#31642)
- use tax with code on supplier order line give tax code missing in supplier invoice (#32018)
- warning in agenda when user have no color and AGENDA_NO_TRANSPARENT_ON_NOT_BUSY=1
- when create intervention from propal (or other object), element link is missing after creation (#32035)
- with no perm on supplier, must not see supplier of the best price
- wrong check
- wrong trigger name (MODIFY instead UPDATE)