Concrete CMS 9.3.9
20 January 2025
Concrete CMS version 9.3.9 is now available.
Upgrading to Concrete CMS 9.3.9
Concrete CMS 9.3.9 can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply Concrete CMS updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing Concrete CMS install to test the 9.3.9 upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your Concrete CMS installations with Installatron
What's New in Concrete CMS 9.3.9
New Features
- Add options to get author name/email to Attribute Display block (thanks JohnTheFish)
Behavioral Improvements
- When you command-click (Mac), control-click (Windows) or middle-click your mouse button on Dashboard search tables, the links will now open in a new tab or window.
- We now rescan the pagetheme custom class when clearing the cache – this can help if you are actively developing a theme and accidentally install it before defining your theme’s custom class file.
- Multilingual stack dropdowns are now more visible and accessible (thanks mlocati)
- If you write custom code that filters a user list by a nonexistent group name, we now throw a proper exception that should point you in the right direction.
- Improve conversation captcha failure message (thanks JohnTheFish)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed error where the “Remove Orphaned Blocks” functionality did not work.
- Fixed bug where you could improperly create a topics attribute without a selected top level node, leading to errors when selecting topics in Composer or on the page.
- Avoid Undefined array key "optionID" exception in survey block in PHP8 (thanks biplobice)
- Removed broken poll/survey pie chart image from survey block view and Dashboard results pages.
- Fix memory allocation issue with thumbnail generation and Imagick (thanks ahukkanen)
Developer Updates
- Cleaned up old code in Page List block (thanks biplobice)