ClientExec 6.8.0
12 December 2024
ClientExec version 6.8.0 is now available (major release).
Upgrading to ClientExec 6.8.0
ClientExec 6.8.0 can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply ClientExec updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing ClientExec install to test the 6.8.0 upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your ClientExec installations with Installatron
What's New in ClientExec 6.8.0
- Added new Webuzo server plugin.
- Added Webuzo support to Softaculous Auto Installer.
- Added a new diagnostics Report Plugin. This plugin will automatically set pricing for secondary currencies based on the set exchange rates in the admin area
- Added a "Test Mode?" option to Stripe, as well as test key options, to make testing Stripe easier.
- Enhance packages will now show name servers on client side.
- Added "Invoice-Merge" and "Invoice-Update" hook/event.
- Added DC Location selection to 20i plugin.
- Added SSO/Direct Login to Plesk10.
- Added recurring price to domains list table
- Added recurring price, billing cycle and next due date to hosting packages list table
- Added the option to pay with a stored credit card in the cart summary when placing a new order or when a client is manually paying an invoice.
- Do not show "Additional Information" on the hosting page if hosting custom fields are disabled.
- Sending welcome email from client side is now an ajax call, so the client stays on the page they were on.
- Updated DirectAdmin integration to use their JSON API.
- Updated product view, "Additional Details" to show "Nameserver 1", "Nameserver 2", etc.
- Ensure Billing Profile ID field is always shown.
- Only load forms for used plugins.
- Allow a package username to be searched in global search.
- Show a proper error message on client side domain pages (name servers, contact info, host records) if the domain has not transfered.
- Always allow the server field to be updated for a package.
- Ensure there is a proper index on events_log.action column.
- Fixed issue preventing SnapinPlugin addMappingForTopMenu public profile from working.
- Change "Custom Fields" to "More Information" on client side, to be less confusing.
- Pricing on Step 1 now properly use "Monthly Price Breakdown" and "Show Discounted Pricing in Billing Cycle Selector" settings.
- Allow for additional configurable options in VirtFusion (both custom fields and addons).
- Updated WHMCS, BLESTA, and CLIENTEXEC importers about setting the default currency before importing.
- Updated "Credit Card Invoice Template" email about charging CC.
- Updated the 'Forgot Password' and 'Activate Account' logic allowing clients to set a password directly from the link (as opposed to sending a second email with their password)
- You can now set the expiration time (in hours) for the links in: Password reset & account activation emails
- Updated text on main page for "Submit a Ticket" box.
- Enhance servers will no longer set the default PHP version to 7.4 for newly created websites.
- "Allow direct link?" and "Show in signup form?" logic changes
- Allow to configure and use Upgrade/Downgrade for products of product groups of the same type.
- Properly show Server IP if hide hosting custom fields is enabled.
- Updated WHMCS importer to import 20i ids.
- When creating a new product, the pricing will not show prices of 0.00, but blank prices.
- Ensure we are properly caching translations to drastically speed up admin interface.
- Added additional space under the domain is available/unavailable message on order form.
- Server public panels will now redirect to the main package page if an exception is thrown.
- Packages on default style (not compare) that have no addons/custom fields or bundled packages should skip step 2.
- Allow hosting packages to be bundled with a domain
- Always allow a product group to be changed, as long as the product is not tied to a subscription.
- Added package description when viewing a package details as a client.
- Added package description when requesting upgrade/downgrade for a package as a client.
- The Upgrade/Downgrade service will now allow to use hidden packages (packages that are not using direct link or that are not set to show in signup form).
- Updated NameSilo sandbox URL.
- Updated NetIM integration.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issue not properly displaying all product custom fields in client area.
- Fixed issue with sending bad charset to our EmailParser.
- Fixed issue preventing EPP code from showing on client side domain page.
- Fixed issue preventing the registrar lock checkbox from properly triggering.
- Fixed issue preventing OpenProvider plugin from properly showing domains to import.
- Fixed issue with cPanel Accounts Report when a cURL connection error occurs.
- Fixed compatibility issue with Cloudflare to Paypal plugin.
- Fixed issue with sign up sometimes picking an old registrar for a TLD.
- Fixed issues when using the functions isTermValid() or isCurrencyTermValid(). They should not use array_pop().
- Fixed issue in the Upgrade/Downgrade Packages automation service plugin that prevented running properly.
- Fixed issue with Synergy Wholesale registrar not always canceling domains that were expired.
- Fixed issue with Proxmox not properly displaying VPS plans when configuring a package.
- Fixed multiple issues with Linode.
- Fixed issue triggering the popup message "Leaving now will cancel this item. Are you sure you want to leave?" when editing invoice entries.
- Fixed issue in the "Default late fee charge" description.
- Fixed issue preventing the domain updater from checking transfer status for synergywholesale domains.
- Fixed issue preventing importing cPanel packages
- Fixed issue when trying to process an invoice for an amount of 0. Now it will just mark the invoice as paid.
- Fixed Chinese yuan currency symbol.
- Fixed wrong email template tag [CLIENTAREAURL] with [CLIENTAPPLICATIONURL].
- Fixed invoice details to properly display to admins the current tax data of the invoice.
- Fixed issue when captcha is enabled on submit ticket page, but the captcha plugin is disabled.
- Fixed issue preventing ResellerClub domains from renewing privacy when a domain is renewed.
- Ensure that the domains_transfer_key permission is properly checked when viewing EPP code from admin.
- Fixed "Vultr.class.php 24 Illegal offset type" error with Vultr.
- Fixed issue with OpenProvider not sending proper phone numbers, and owner_handle when registering.
- Fixed issue showing affiliate XXX is not approved.
- Added additional validation when calculating an upgrade/downgrade discount, making sure it is calculated only over invoices that were paid.
- Fixed issue displaying wrong currency format when using a product direct link with step 2 and a currency different than the default one, in a product group using Compare Style.
- Fixed the Custom Fields values displayed for User and Packages in the New Order Notification email, to show their real values and not their ids.
- Fixed PHP 8.x issue when updating a payment gateway that has a gateway update call.
- Fixed issue with Stripe Checkout creating guest customers.
- Fixed WHMCS database table validation in the WHMCS importer.
- Fixed issue preventing an active background when viewing a package public panel on client side.
- Fixed possible issue with top menu when adding a staff role.
- Fixed missing exception handling on client side domain name servers view.
- Fixed issue with "View Affiliates" permission.
- Fixed issues with "Change payment method" and "Edit customer credit card" permissions.
- Fixed issue when a client tries to use the upgrade/downgrade feature not properly getting the respective currency of that user the first time the page is loaded.
- Fixed PHP Error: modules/admin/models/TopLevelDomainGateway.php 543 Cannot unset offset in a non-array variable.
- Fixed pending affiliate count in dashboard menu if an affiliate is deleted.
- Fixed issue with Enhance attempting to create a new customer instead of using the existing if the customer has multiple Enhance packages.
- Fixed issue with PayPal button not showing on sign up when using French language.
- Fixed issue preventing OpenProvider domains from properly renewing.
- Fixed issue showing the default profile picture as well as the profile picture of the user on tickets.
- Fixed issue setting paid invoice to unpaid with Mollie's callback.
- Fixed translations for "Select a Product", "Submit" and "Cancel" when a client is upgrading/downgrading a package.
- Fixed issue preventing UserPackage-Suspend hook/event from properly firing.
- Fixed PHP error/white page on KB view when captcha is enabled but the plugin is set to disabled.
- Fixed issue preventing Plesk10 plugin from properly updating passwords.
- Fixed issue preventing some permissions from properly showing up under staff roles.
- Fixed issue with NameCheap TLDs being imported with a discounted price, instead of the regular price.
- Fixed issue with expiration date and contact information with Connect Reseller.
- Fixed issue .sg TLD domain extensions when not using a registrar plugin
- Fixed issue with OpenSRS register and transfer domains when using ROO as the Mexican State, as OpenSRS expects QR instead.
- Fixed issue with some Linode actions not working.
- Fixed WHMCS importer to import the invoice tax rates
- Fixed issue with Pterodactyl not provisioning a server on first attempt of creation.
- Fixed issue with NameCheap marking domains as cancelled if the API returns a 500000 error.
- Fixed issue preventing NameSilo .ca and .us domains from properly being registered.
- Fixed issue preventing Captcha from appearing on the all settings view.
- Ensure Linode Web Console is properly working
- Do not show Affiliate permissions for guest group.
- Removed the depreciated tools: Migrate CC Accounts to Stripe & Migrate Stripe CC Accounts to Stripe