
Update Feed

Installatron Server 4.1.63

30 May 2023

Schema revision: 16
Schema changes: ALTER TABLE `i_installs` ADD COLUMN `errcode` VARCHAR(255); ALTER TABLE `i_tasks` ADD COLUMN `cf` LONGBLOB;
IS-3895-1 Fixed handling of `errcode` API field so that it correctly persists between API requests.
IS-3747-1 SeedDMS: Fixed detection of database information.
IS-3908-1 Fixed small CSS issue related to dropdown fields.
4.1.63-2: IS-3924-1 Added support for SSH and SFTP connections utilizing Ed25519 and Ed449 keys.
4.1.63-2: IS-3932-1 Fixed Unknown index "email" warning.
4.1.63-3: IS-3943-1 Fixed repeat spam of "has higher priority task already queued" messages in the task log.
4.1.63-3: IS-3954-1 Fixed a case where the UI encountered a memory limit exceeded due to large number of tasks.
4.1.63-3: IS-3954-1 Fixed a case where CURL calls were forcibly using HTTP1.0.
4.1.63-3: IS-3957-1 Fixed the task scheduler from continuing to schedule tasks beyond what it can process over a 24 hour period.
4.1.63-4: IS-3924-2 Fixed a regression caused by IS-3924-1 which impacts some PHP versions and caused some SSH and SFTP connections to fail.
4.1.63-5: IS-3847-1 Fixed a fatal error which could occur under PHP 8.2+ if the MySQL port read for an installation was malformed.
4.1.63-6: IS-3984-1 Fixed a regression which could cause a "file not found" error for some types of backups.
4.1.63-6: IS-3984-1 Added improved display of backup Expiry information.

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