Version: 8.0

Installatron Website Owner Guide

Use Installatron to find applications for your website, install them, and keep them current.

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Installatron provides a consistent user-interface that enables you to quickly navigate available features.

Icons ( )

At the top of every Installatron screen there are a number of small icons:

return to control panel

Takes you to the main page of your control panel login.

switch to embedded

Switch to "embedded", where Installatron appears inside the control panel theme.

switch to full screen

Switch to "full screen", where Installatron is not surrounded by the control panel theme.

open the documentation

Open the documentation from Installatron.com


The "tabs" bar (short for "tabbed document interface") gives you access to the main tools of Installatron. The complete tabs bar, with all possible tabs, looks like this:

The tabs are context sensitive so you will only see the tabs that you have access to or that are relevant.

Each tab is documented in full in the chapters below.

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The Applications Browser tab

The "Applications Browser" tab allows you to explore and compare the applications that are available for installing on your website. And when you find an application that you like you can install it by clicking the install button.


If you're looking for a specific application or kind of application, use search to find it quickly. Type text in the search field at the top right of the Applications Browser page, and then press Return on your keyboard to display results.


Applications can also be filtered using the toolbar buttons. Simply click a button to filter the displayed applications.

This button filters applications that are not available in your native language.

This button filters applications that require a database.

Application Information

Click on an application's icon to view detailed information about the individual application.

Press this button to install the currently selected application. This will initiate the install wizard.

Press this button to import an externally installed "instance" of the currently selected application. This will initiate the import wizard.

The installed application to be imported can be hosted on the local web hosting account or on a remote web hosting account. If hosted on a remote web hosting account, the installed application will be migrated to a selected location on the local web hosting account.

If successful, the import process will add the imported application to Installatron from where it can be used and upgraded as though it had been installed with Installatron.


The name of the web application.

Current Version

The most recent version of the application.

Tip: This is the latest version supported by Installatron.


The date the most recent version of the application was released.


The type of application. Click to view other applications in this category.


The type of end user license agreement (EULA) used by the application. Click this link to view the license agreement.

A license agreement describes how the software can be used, and for free software can it can include information about pay-for versions of the software.

The EULA must be agreed to before the software can be installed.

Install Size

Displays the amount of hard drive space required to install the latest version of the application, in megabytes. Your hosting account requires at least this much free space to install the latest version of the application, and you should always leave yourself with additional space for incoming emails and room to grow.

Requires MySQL Database
Requires MSSQL Database

Shows whether the latest version of the application requires a MySQL or MSSQL database.

Database systems allow large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many web applications installed by Installatron require a "database" to store their data. Most application utilize a database system called MySQL, which is a standard feature of all web hosting services. But don't worry; Installatron can handle all the database settings automatically, it just requires that a database be available.


A collection of useful links associated with the application. This can include links to; the application's website, documentation, frequently asked questions (FAQ), a live demo, and support.


Click this link to load Installatron's support ticket system in a new browser window.

Tip: Installatron is the developer of the auto-installer system used to install web applications on your website. Installatron has been purchased and made available to you by your web hosting provider, and the web applications installed by Installatron are each developed by their own group of authors.

Available Versions

A full list of the versions of the selected application that are supported by the Installatron installer, with the date each version was added to Installatron and some version notes.

Category Information

Click on a category header to view more information about the individual application in the category.

The application entries on the category page feature a condensed display of the application information documented above.

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The My Applications tab

The "My Applications" tab lists your installed applications. From here you can use and maintain your applications.

This tab appears when you have one or more installed applications. Use the "Applications Browser" tab to install applications.

Each installed application features its own little feature-packed GUI:

An alternate form of the application GUI appears when an install process fails or is aborted mid-install:

My Application
Error: This was a failed install. It should be uninstalled.
version: 4.0 files: 22.8mb database: 1.2mb installed: 2009-01-25 updated: 2009-02-14

Each element of this application GUI is now described:

"My Application"

The title of the installed application is at top/left of the block. Click this link to load the application, via your website, in a new browser window.

The title is used only in Installatron, to help you identify your application.

Tip: You can edit the title using the "view/edit details" tool.


Upgrade this application. This will open the upgrade wizard.

This tool will only appear when a newer version of the application is available. Upgrading your applications is recommended.

See the Upgrade task documentation below for more information.

󰂮view/edit details

View all known information about the installed application, and edit many of the same values.

See the view/edit details tool documentation below for more information.


Backup this installed application. This will open the backup wizard.

See the Backup task documentation below for more information.


Clone this application. This will open the clone wizard.

See the Clone task documentation below for more information.


Uninstall this application. This will open the uninstall wizard.

See the Uninstall task documentation below for more information.

Error: This was a failed install. It should be uninstalled.

This error message is added when the installation process failed or was aborted, and the whole entry becomes red.

Tip: Incomplete installs should not be used, and it is advised that they be uninstalled using the "uninstall" tool. See the Uninstall task documentation below for more information about uninstalling.


Click this link to load the installed application, via your website, in a new browser window.


Click this link to load the application's administration tool in a new browser window.


Click this link to load the software's homepage in a new browser window.


The version of the application that is currently installed on your website.

A green tick indicates that the software version is current. If there is no green tick you can upgrade the application using the upgrade tool.

Tip: If the installed application is upgraded outside of Installatron (that is, you manually performed the upgrade) then this value will be incorrect and as a result there will be a risk that performing an upgrade with Installatron will corrupt the website. If the application is upgraded outside of Installatron, be sure to let Installatron know about the change using the "view/edit details" tool. See the view/edit details tool documentation below for more information.


The amount of disk space used by the files of this installed application, in megabytes. Click this link to view the files in the control panel's file manager (where supported by the control panel).


The amount of disk space used by the database of this installed application, in megabytes, where a database is used. Click this link to view the database in the control panel's database viewing tool (where supported by the control panel).


The date the application was originally installed.


The date the application was last modified.

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The My Backups tab

The "My Backups" tab lists the backups you have created from Installatron. From here you can reference the backups, delete them, or initiate a restore.

This tab appears when you have one or more backups.

You can create new backups from your "My Applications" tab or during an upgrade.

Each backup features a variation of the "application GUI":

original location:http://www.your_domain.com/application_directory/
version: 4.0 files: 22.8mb database: 1.2mb backup date: 2009-02-14

A backup is a gzip-compressed archive containing the files, database tables (where a database is used), and the Installatron data file, which is stored within ~/application_backups/. Because they're gzip-compressed, backups use significantly less hard drive space as the original installed application.

The differences from the "My Applications" tab GUIs are detailed below:

󰁺restore this backup

Restore this backup's files and database to their original locations. This will open the restore wizard.

See the restore task documentation below for more information.


Delete this backup. This will delete all files associated with the backup, and cannot be undone.

original location

Displays the original location of the backup, as a website URL, prior to backup. Click this link to open the original URL in a new browser window.

Tip: When you click this link you will see what, if anything, is now location where the backup was originally created from. You might see the current state of the same application, other applications, or nothing at all. It's important to note that you will not see the backup itself when you click this link.

backup date

The date the backup was created.

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How to Install an Application

To initiate an install; open the "Applications Browser" tab, click on the application you wish to install, then click the "install this application" button.

The install wizard will collect information, such as the domain and version, and then perform the install. Each section of the install wizard is detailed below:


The "Location" section prompts you to select a destination for the application, in the form of a "URL". A URL is a website link, comprised of a domain and a directory.

The server path equivalent of the selected URL is also displayed to let you know where the files will be installed on your web hosting account.


Select a domain. The drop-down list contains all domains and sub-domains known to be associated with your web hosting control panel login.

Tip: Contact your web hosting provider if the domain you want to install on isn't listed.

Directory (Optional)

Enter an optional directory. The directory will be added to the selected domain to determine the destination for the application.

Leave this field empty if you wish to install into the "root" (or home directory, or top-level directory) of the domain.


The "Version" section asks you to select a version of the application to install.


Select the version you wish to install.

The list includes all versions that are supported by the application package, and version may be grouped in "branches" (where the application underwent major changes).

Versions that are not compatible with the server that your domain is hosted on will be identified as not-installable, if selected, and a reason given.

Tip: You should always install the latest version that you are able to install, unless you particularly need an older release.

version notes

Displays information about the currently selected version.

Automatic Update

The "Automatic Update" feature will automatically backup and update installed applications immediately as new versions become available.

Updates execute between midnight and 6AM server time, the created backup is automatically restored if the update fails, and email notifications are sent with the result of each update.


The "EULA" section asks you to agree to the web application's End User License Agreement (EULA). An EULA describes how the application can be used and is considered a legal agreement.


Some web applications require a database for data storage.

A database systems allows large amounts of data to be stored and retrieved in a fast and efficient manner, and many applications installed by Installatron require a "database" to store their data. Installatron utilizes a database system called MySQL, which is a standard feature of all web hosting services.

Ideally, you will want to use one database for each application that you install. This minimizes the need for technical knowledge (because Installatron can handle the setup and configuration for you) and also minimizes the chance of corruption and accidental data loss.

However, your web hosting service may limit the number of databases you can use in which case you have the option of re-using an existing database. This requires some technical knowledge, and not all applications can share a database, but it theoretically allows you to install any number of applications using just a single database.

Database Management

Select "Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended)" if you want Installatron to handle database creation and configuration. This requires that your web hosting account has at least one more database available.

Select "Let me manage the database settings." if you wish to control the database usage yourself. You will use this option if you want to make use of database sharing (where one database is used for more than one installation), or if you want to use a specific name for the database. This option is for advanced users.

Database Type

The type of database required by this application, either "MySQL" or "MSSQL".

Database Name

Select the database that you want to use for this application.

The list contains all databases associated with your web hosting account.

Tip: To add a database to the list, use the "Database Management" or "MySQL Management" tool of the control panel. Note that the database will require full access permissions.

Database Username

Enter the username for the database you have selected.

Database Password

Enter the password for the database you have selected.

Table Prefix

Enter a table prefix that will be used by tables associated with this install. This should be 1-5 characters in length.

Tip: An underscore ("_") is not required as Installatron will add it automatically.

This field will appear only if the selected version of the application being installed supports a table prefix.


Most web applications have a block of settings that allow you to customize the application. For example, an application might ask you to enter an administrator password or an email address that will be added to the application.

The values set can be modified later within Installatron or within the installed application.


Press the "Install" button to begin installing the files, directories, and database tables. This involves sourcing and extracting archives, editing and applying specific CHMOD values to files and directories. Most install processes take less than a minute or two.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the install executes in the background. Feel free to navigate away from Installatron (or even start another install) while the install completes.

Upon completion, you can begin using your newly installed application from the "My Applications" tab.

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How to View/Edit an Install

Displays all known information associated with the installed application.

To view the notes; open the "My Applications" tab, then click the "view/edit details" tool.

"My Application"


Click this link to load the application, via your website, in a new browser window.


Click this link to load the application's administration tool in a new browser window.


Click this link to load application vendor's website in a new browser window.


The name of the application installed on your website.


The version of the application that is currently installed on your website. If the installed application is manually upgraded (outside of Installatron) this value will automatically sync.


Click this link to view the files in the control panel's file manager (where supported by the control panel).


Click this link to view the database in the control panel's database viewing tool (where supported by the control panel).


The date the application was first installed on your website.


The date the application was last updated to a new version within Installatron.


This block contains information about the installed application, including location and database details.

󰂮edit these values & files

The "edit these values & files" button allows you to edit the below information and files associated with the installed application.

Data File

The Installatron data file for this installed application. The data file contains the information displayed in this block, and is used by Installatron to manage and maintain the application. This value cannot be edited.

Tip: The data file makes an installed application appear in Installatron. If the data file is deleted the application will be removed from your "My Applications" tab, without affecting the installed files at all. Data files can be created by installing a new application or by using the Import tool documented below.


The title of this installed application. The title helps you identify your individual application and is only used in Installatron.

Location URL

The location of the installed application as a URL.

A URL is a website link that can be viewed in a web browser.

Location Path

The location of the installed application as a path on the hosting web server.

The path shows where the application files and directories have been installed.

Database Type

The type of database system used by the installed application.

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Database Host

The location of the database server used by your web hosting account. This value is set by the server administrator. The location is commonly "localhost", however it will depend on your web hosting service.

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Database Name

The name of the database used by the installed application.

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Database Username

The username for the database used by the installed application.

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Database Password

The password for the database used by the installed application.

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Table Prefix

The table prefix used by the installed application.

The table prefix, for applications that support it, allows a database to be shared by multiple installations (of the same application, or different applications).

This value will be listed only if a database is used by the installed application.

Tip: If your web hosting account has the databases available, it is always better to install each application with its own database.

Administrator Username, Site Title, Language, etc.

If you entered settings values during the install process, the values can be edited here.

Note that these values are always synced with the installed application. Editing these values within Installatron changes them within the installed application, and editing these values within the installed application changes them within Installatron.

Configuration File #

An application can have one or more optional editable files available for editing within the Installatron GUI. These files are most often "configuration" or "settings" files, containing customizable values that are not editable through the application's own administration panel, but they could also be theme templates or any type of useful files.

These files are made editable in Installatron as an easy alternative to using FTP or the control panel's File Manager tool to edit the files. Installatron also allows the CHMOD (security) values to be changed.

Tip: CHMOD values of 644 and 755 are considered "secure", on files and directories respectively, but might prevent the application from editing files through its own GUI. CHMOD values of 666 and 777, for files and directories respectively, will allow the application to edit its own files and directories, but at an increased security risk.

Files & Directories

Presents a directory listing of the files and directories associated with the installed application. Files and directories in bold are known to be associated with the install. Files and directories not in bold were manually checked to be associated with the install.

Database & Tables

Presents a list of tables found in the database associated with the installed application, if a database is used. Tables in bold are known to be associated with the install. Tables not in bold were manually checked to be associated with the install.

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How to Upgrade an Install

To initiate an upgrade; open the "Applications Browser" tab, find the installed application you wish to upgrade, then click the "upgradetoversion" button.

The upgrade wizard will collect information for the upgrade, such as the version you wish to upgrade to, and then perform the upgrade. Each step of the upgrade wizard is detailed below.

Tip: It is highly recommended that you keep all your installed applications up to date. Out of date software represents a high security risk for your website and to the server that is hosting the website, making them targets for "hacking" and "exploiting" (both can destroy the content of your website).

Tip: Depending on the application and the magnitude of the upgrade, upgrading may not return the software to the exactly the same state it was in before the upgrade. Plugins might be disabled, templates reset, or settings changed. After an upgrade you should always give your website a thorough examination and see if anything needs to be re-established.


Destination Version

Select the version that you wish to upgrade to. You should choose the highest version that you are able to select.

You will not be able to select a version that is incompatible with the server that your website is hosted on. The incompatibility will be explained if you attempt to select an incompatible version.

You will not be able to select a version, or any version after it, that cannot be auto-upgraded. Software developers sometimes make changes that are too big for automated upgrading. In these cases a manual upgrade path might be available, or more commonly a "migration" path where you create a fresh install of the latest version and then run some manner of export/import process to move the existing content to the new install. See the application's own documentation for information on performing manual upgrades.

After performing a manual upgrade you should let Installatron know about the change by using the "view/edit details" tool on your "My Applications" tab.

Current Version

Displays the version that is currently installed.

This value is always in sync with the installed application.


The "Backup" section provides an opportunity to create a backup before going ahead with the upgrade.

If you don't already have a backup it is recommended that you use this page to create a backup. If the upgrade fails it can leave your website corrupted, and a backup would be the only way to restore your site.

Yes, create a backup before performing the upgrade.

Select this option if you wish to perform a backup before continuing with the upgrade.

If this option is selected the backup fields will appear below. See the Backup process for more information.

No, do not create a backup before performing the upgrade.

Select this option if wish to continue the upgrade process without performing a backup.


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the upgrade. Press the "Upgrade" button to upgrade the installed application to the selected version.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the upgrade executes in the background. Feel free to navigate away from Installatron (or even start another install or upgrade) while the upgrade completes.

Upon completion, you can begin using your newly updated application from the "My Applications" tab.

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How to Backup an Install

To initiate a backup; open the "My Applications" tab and click the "create backup" tool.

The backup wizard starts without any prompts, backing up the files, directories, and database tables associated with the application.

If you wish to association additional files, directories, and/or database tables, or verify the default selection, you can do so from the "view/edit details" page.

Upon completion, the created backup will be available from the "My Backups" tab.

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How to Clone an Application

To initiate a clone; open the "Applications Browser" tab, click on the application you wish to clone, then click the "clone" button.

The clone wizard will prompt you for the location you want the application to be duplicated to. Each section of the clone wizard is detailed below:


The "Source" section provides a brief overview of the installed application selected to be cloned.


The "Destination" section prompts you to select a destination for the application to be duplicated to, in the form of a "URL". A URL is a website link, comprised of a domain and a directory.

The server path equivalent of the selected URL is also displayed to let you know where files will be duplicated to within your web hosting account.


Select a domain. The drop-down list contains all domains and sub-domains known to be associated with your web hosting control panel login.

Tip: Contact your web hosting provider if the domain you want to install on isn't listed.

Directory (Optional)

Enter an optional directory. The directory will be added to the selected domain to determine the destination for the application.

Leave this field empty if you wish to clone into the "root" (or home directory, or top-level directory) of the domain.

Database Management

Select "Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended)" if you want Installatron to handle database creation and configuration for the duplicated install. This requires that your web hosting account has at least one more database available.

Select "Let me manage the database settings." if you wish to control the database usage yourself. You will use this option if you want to make use of database sharing (where one database is used for more than one installation), or if you want to use a specific name for the database. This option is for advanced users.

Database Type

The type of database required by this application, either "MySQL" or "MSSQL".

Database Name

Select the database that you want to use for this application.

The list contains all databases associated with your web hosting account.

Tip: To add a database to the list, use the "Database Management" or "MySQL Management" tool of the control panel. Note that the database will require full access permissions.

Database Username

Enter the username for the database you have selected.

Database Password

Enter the password for the database you have selected.

Table Prefix

Enter a table prefix that will be used by tables associated with this install. This should be 1-5 characters in length, and it's always recommended to use a prefix when the option is available.

Tip: An underscore ("_") is not required as Installatron will add it automatically.


Press the "Clone" button to begin cloning the installed application. This involves duplicating the files and database tables that make up the source install, copying them to the selected destination, and then applying any required modifications to the duplicated files and database tables.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the clone executes in the background. Feel free to navigate away from Installatron while the clone completes.

Upon completion, you can begin using the cloned application from the "My Applications" tab.

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How to Uninstall an Install

To initiate an uninstall; open the "My Applications" tab and click the "uninstall" tool.

The uninstall wizard will confirm the files, directories, and database tables to be deleted and then perform the deletion.

Warning: An uninstall cannot be undone unless you have a reliable backup.


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the deletion. Press the "Uninstall" button to delete the installed application.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the uninstall executes in the background. Feel free to navigate away from Installatron while the uninstall completes.

Upon completion, the entry for the installed application will be removed from the "My Applications" tab.

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How to Import an Install From This Account

To import an existing installed application; open the "Applications Browser" tab, click on the name of application you intend to import, click the button next to the "install this application" button, and then select the "From this account" option

The import wizard will prompt you for the location of the existing installed application and then perform the import.


The "Location" section prompts you for the location of the existing installed application as the combination of a domain and a directory. This should direct Installatron to the top level directory of the application that you intend to import.


Select a domain. The drop-down list contains all domains and sub-domains known to be associated with your web hosting control panel login and can be filtered to help narrow selection.

Directory (Optional)

Enter an optional directory. The directory will be added to the selected domain to determine location of the application.

Leave this field empty if the application exists in the "root" (or home directory, or top-level directory) of the domain.


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the import. Press the "Import" button to import the existing installed application into the Installatron system.

Imports are completed instantly, with an entry for the application appearing on the "My Applications" tab.

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How to Import an Install From Different Account/Server

To migrate and import an external installed application hosted elsewhere to a location within your web hosting account; open the "Applications Browser" tab, click on the name of application you intend to migrate, click the button next to the "install this application" button, and then select the "From different account" option.

The import wizard will prompt you for information about the installed application's current location and the location you intend it to be migrated to.


The "Source" section prompts you for the current location of the installed application in the form of a URL. This should direct Installatron to the top level directory of the application that you intend to migrate.

The web hosting account information for the current location is also prompted, enabling Installatron to connect to and copy data from the installed application.


Enter the URL to the current location of an installed application.

FTP Protocol

Select the protocol Installatron should use to connect to application's web hosting account.

The default selection is usually fine, but if errors occur try a different option.

FTP Address

The address of application's web hosting account.

If you don't know the IP address of the web hosting account, try entering the domain in the form domain.com (without www. or http://)

FTP Port

The web hosting account's FTP port. The default is normally correct.

FTP Username

The web hosting account's FTP login name.

This value is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email.

FTP Password

The web hosting account's FTP login password.

This value is typically included in your hosting account's welcome email.

FTP Path

The path from the FTP account's root directory to location of the URL entered for the install location.


Select a location for the installed application to be cloned to within your web hosting account.


Select a domain. The drop-down list contains all domains and sub-domains known to be associated with your web hosting control panel login and can be filtered to help narrow selection.

Directory (Optional)

Enter an optional directory. The directory will be added to the selected domain to determine location of the application.

Leave this field empty if the application exists in the "root" (or home directory, or top-level directory) of the domain.

Database Management

Select "Automatically manage the database settings for me. (Recommended)" if you want Installatron to handle database creation and configuration for the migrated install. This requires that your web hosting account has at least one more database available.

Select "Let me manage the database settings." if you wish to control the database usage yourself. You will use this option if you want to make use of database sharing (where one database is used for more than one installation), or if you want to use a specific name for the database. This option is for advanced users.

Database Type

The type of database required by this application, either "MySQL" or "MSSQL".

Database Name

Select the database that you want to use for this application.

The list contains all databases associated with your web hosting account.

Tip: To add a database to the list, use the "Database Management" or "MySQL Management" tool of the control panel. Note that the database will require full access permissions.

Database Username

Enter the username for the database you have selected.

Database Password

Enter the password for the database you have selected.

Table Prefix

Enter a table prefix that will be used by tables associated with this install. This should be 1-5 characters in length, and it's always recommended to use a prefix when the option is available.

Tip: An underscore ("_") is not required as Installatron will add it automatically.


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the migration. Press the "Import" button to begin the process.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the migration executes in the background, and because the migration is executing in the background, you can navigate away from Installatron while the migration completes.

Upon completion, you can begin using your newly migrated application from the "My Applications" tab.

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How to Delete a Backup

To delete a backup; open the "My Backups" tab and click the "delete" tool.

The delete wizard will confirm that you wish to delete the gzipped-archive associated with the backup and then delete it.


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the deletion. Press the "Delete" button begin the process.

You will be redirected to the "My Backups" tab while the deletion executes in the background, and upon completion, the entry for the backup will be removed from the "My Backups" tab.

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How to Restore a Backup

To restore a backup; open the "My Backups" tab, then click the "restore this backup" button.

The restore tool returns the install to the state that the files and database tables where in in when the backup was created. This will overwrite any files, directories, and database tables currently using the original location of the backup, though nothing will be deleted.

Tip: While it is not necessary to uninstall prior to initiating a restore, it can be advisable when the backup is greatly different than the current state of the install or if errors occur during the restore process.


The "Files & Directories" and "Database & Tables" sections confirm the files, directories, and database tables that will be restored.

Items listed in red will overwrite items with the same name currently residing at the destination. This is a warning rather than an error as overwriting existing content is a common use of the restore tool (for example, to return to an earlier version of the current application).


Installatron has all the information it needs to perform the restore. Press the "Restore" button begin the restore process.

You will be redirected to the "My Applications" tab while the restore executes in the background. Feel free to navigate away from Installatron while the restore completes.

Upon completion, you can begin using your newly restored application from the "My Applications" tab.

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