
How to: Uninstall/remove Installatron Plugin and Installatron Server

The commands below show you how to cleanly uninstall Installatron Plugin 5.0 or newer and Installatron Server 1.0 or newer. Please be careful to use the right commands for your server, and note that the commands will not delete any installed applications; only Installatron data files are removed.

Customer feedback is used to guide all product changes. Don't hesitate to email your suggestions and feedback to: feedback@installatron.com

Uninstall: Installatron Server Linux/FreeBSD/UNIX

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-server
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-server
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /var/installatron

Uninstall: Installatron Server Windows

Delete the core:
rd \"%itron_dir%\\etc\" /S /Q
rd \"%itron_dir%\\lib\" /S /Q
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rd \"%itron_dir%\\Data\" /S /Q

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin cPanel/WHM

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-plugin-cpanel
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-plugin-cpanel
Remove from the GUI:
rm -fr /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/installatron
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/addonfeatures/installatron
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/addonfeatures/itwidget
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/addon_installatron.cgi
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/*/dynamicui/dynamicui_installatron.conf
rm -f /usr/local/cpanel/base/frontend/*/dynamicui/dynamicui_itwidget.conf
perl -pi -e 's/_in.+\s*//g' /root/cpanelbranding/*/dynamicui.conf
perl -pi -e 's/_in.+\s*//g' /home/*/cpanelbranding/*/dynamicui.conf
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/unregister_appconfig installatron_cpanel
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/unregister_appconfig installatron_whostmgr
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -fr /var/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /home/*/.appdata
rm -fr /root/.appdata

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin DirectAdmin

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-plugin-directadmin
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-plugin-directadmin
Remove from the GUI:
rm -fr /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/installatron
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -fr /var/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /home/*/.appdata

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin Plesk Linux/FreeBSD/UNIX

For Plesk Linux/Unix servers, note that the the directories /usr/local/psa and /var/www/htdocs may be different on your server.

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-plugin-plesk
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-plugin-plesk
Remove from the GUI:
perl -pi -e 's!<itronblock1>.+?</itronblock1>!!' /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/templates/modules.tpl
rm -fr /usr/local/psa/admin/htdocs/modules/installatron
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -fr /var/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /var/www/htdocs/*/.appdata

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin Plesk Windows

Remove from the GUI:
rd \"%plesk_dir%\\admin\\htdocs\\modules\\installatron\" /S /Q
Delete the core:
rd \"%itron_dir%\\Data\" /S /Q
rd \"%itron_dir%\\etc\" /S /Q
rd \"%itron_dir%\\lib\" /S /Q
Delete user install data (be careful!):
FOR /D %i IN (\"C:\\inetpub\\vhosts\\*\") DO rd \"%i\\.installaton\" /S /Q

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin cPanel Enkompass

Delete the core:
rd \"%itron_dir%\\Data\" /S /Q
rd \"%itron_dir%\\etc\" /S /Q
rd \"%itron_dir%\\lib\" /S /Q

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin Kloxo/LxAdmin

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-plugin-kloxo
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-plugin-kloxo
Remove from the GUI:
rm -f /usr/local/lxlabs/*/etc/flag/installatron.flg
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -fr /var/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /home/*/.appdata

Uninstall: Installatron Plugin Virtualmin/Webmin

Remove RPM package (if applicable):
rpm -e installatron-plugin-virtualmin
Remove Debian package (if applicable):
dpkg -r installatron-plugin-virtualmin
Remove from the GUI:
rm -f /usr/libexec/webmin/virtualmin-installatron
Delete the core:
rm -fr /usr/local/installatron
rm -fr /var/installatron
rm -f /etc/cron.d/installatron
Delete user install data (be careful!):
rm -fr /home/*/.appdata
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