
Update Feed

Feng Office

28 July 2019

Feng Office version is now available (major release).

Upgrading to Feng Office

Feng Office can be upgraded to (or installed) using any of Installatron's products. Use Installatron's optional Automatic Update feature to automatically apply Feng Office updates as new versions are released, or use Installatron's Clone feature to duplicate an existing Feng Office install to test the upgrade prior to applying it live. Get started managing your Feng Office installations with Installatron

What's New in Feng Office

feature: allow to sort member trees by member type before alphabetically
bugfix: when uploading a new doc and already exists, by default select the option to upload as a new revision
bugfix: fix permissions tree in users form to include timeslots in permissions query
bugfix: fix error in contacts report grouped by folder and with or conditions in classification

feature: allow to view the sent emails in newsletter view
bugfix: verify that sharing table group_id key does not exists before executing the query to add it
bugfix: fix newsletter sent contacts popup list
bugfix: fix plugin folder name for additional member permissions plugin

bugfix: fix error in custom reports with advanced billing columns
bugfix: fix timeslots form start date calculations
bugfix: prevent trailing/starting white spaces in template object property variable values
bugfix: fix product types filtering
bugfix: fix hour_types installer
bugfix: autoselect project's client in quick-add row when filtering timeslots list by project
bugfix: fix ignoring labor categories when creating subtasks using multi assignment
bugfix: fix 7th day rule in overtime calculations after registering 10 overtime hours

bugfix: ignore some properties when checking if only classification has been changed
bugfix: ignore persons dimension in application log details

feature: config option to ignore some dimensions when applying classification to subtasks
feature: overtime calculations, classify as overtime the 7th consecutive day of work no matter the amount of hours
bugfix: fix group name coulumn text when exporting to excel/csv a grouped report without details

bugifx: fix week start/end calculation when adding a timeslot for next week or more in the future
bugfix: when exporting to excel the time columns were not using the custom format
bugfix: fix overtime calculations, ignore non-worked timeslots
bugfix: when splitting timeslots the task id was not copied to the new ones

feature: overtime calculations plugin
bugfix: fix getting controller by classname in member controller
bugfix: fix langs for billing category column in timeslot reports
bugfix: fix timeslots totals query, make it independent of currency if there is only 1 currency in the system

bugfix: fix notifications manager config options saving
bugdix: dont send email when only description is changed if not selected in config option

feature: when invoicing timeslots classify them in the invoiced status member
bugfix: dont inherit members from parent task if dimension is not multiple and subtask has already a member of that dimension

bugfix: fix task list filters when filtering by subscribed by user and completed tasks
bugfix: fix notifications manager config options and user new template for due date reminders
fearure: make overtime_hours dimension hierarchical

feature: new section in dimension options to define the default value for each dimension
feature: new user preference to define the dimension that dictates color to show for each object in the calendar
feature: new plugin that adds the dimension "Overtime hours"
feature: new plugin that adds the dimension "Billing rates"
bugfix: several fixes in timesheet status dimension plugin
bugfix: notification manager fixes in consolidation
bugfix: dont include unsubscribed contacts when sending newsletters

feature: config option to exclude add,open,close task from consolidation

feature: First version of the "status dimension for timesheets" plugin aka: status_dimension_timesheet
bugfix: modifications to evx widgets plugin
bugfix: fix error when adding project phase
bugfix: fixes in notifications manager
bugfix: prevent enqueue newsletter emails for persons that are not subscribed to newsletters (using cp subs_newsletter)

feature: default labor category for users in timestlots module
bugfix: fix timeslots list totals when filtering by more than one member
bugfix: autopopulate project's associated members when adding timeslots and selecting a project
bugfix: fix column of unclassified worked time when grouping results by a dimension and showing the group in columns
bugfix: fix sum of timeslot report custom properties when grouping by user
bugfix: fix timeslots start time lang
bugfix: fix email system setup config options saving

bugfix: fix notification manager when consolidating comments and open/close

feature: add contact cps to report group lines when grouping by contact
feature: allow to add project cp columns in timeslot reports/Reports
feature: when grouping timeslot reports by project, put the same name as in the trees (using configuration if present)

feature: add invoicing status filter to time tab
bugfix: fix report condition input for invoicing status


bugfix: notifications manager fixes


bugfix: notifications manager fixes


feature: add contact custom properties to timeslot custom reports
bugfix: fix expenses plugin pre requisites
bugfix: Fixed typo


bugfix: fix member add/edit when using templates and member subtypes
bugfix: fix evx projects widget list height


bugfix: fix copy task, was not copying members
bugfix: show all users in calendar filter when not filtering by any member
bugfix: fix auto heights in evx projects widget


feature: evx_widgets plugin version alpha
feature: associate member templates with member subtypes
bugfix: use plural title for projects and clients widgets
bugfix: fix old billing categories, they were not saving the currency


bugfix: fixes in notifications manager


feature: update notification manager


bugfix: fix time module date filters


feature: allow getArrayInfo function to return members data for tasks
bugfix: allow mobile to show project name with custom properties
bugfix: list of clients should work for single or divided dimension in mobile.
bugfix: show custom properties in timeslot lists
bugfix: group_by_sql wasn't initialized.


bugfix: fix listing query for trashed objects
bugfix: fix permissions for internal collaborators in time module
bugfix: fix abm of emails in client form
bugfix: fix text custom property edition when adding zeros before the text and the text can be casted to number
bugfix: fix height calculation in custom reports
bugfix: fix additional text in member trees feature when expanding member childs


bugfix: fix clients email edition, main email was not modified correctly


feature: notifications manager improvements


bugfix: dont show disabled dimensions in config option handlers
feature: notifications manager improvements


bugfix: dont check module permissions automatically when giving permissions in a member
bugfix: fix object billing calculations after instantiating task templates
bugfix: fix dimension panel filtering when expanding a project and filtering by any of the associated dimensions
bugfix: fix user selector for custom properties
bugfix: Function had a duplicate variable '$ignored' in its parameters.
bugfix: type was incorrectly set as dimension_object instead of dimension_group
bugfix: Missing lang for hint
bugfix: Improved wording for new feature.
bugfix: Fixed. Misspelled class. Constructor wasn't working.
bugfix: Fixed. Issues when upgrading a PHP 7 installation.


change: Removed the property "status" for Payment Receipt. Replacing with a dimension.
feature: Showing name of client for tasks in calendar view - in all views (weekly, monthly, daily).
fix: Warnings for declarations of functions not compatible with parent Class.
fix: Several small fixes on coding style


feature: update dimension association between projects and rate schedules to allow selection of related members
feature: when selecting a member autoselect the related members if the association is marked with 'allows_default_selection'


bugfix: error 500 when deleting payment receipts
bugfix: show billable column as yes/no instead of true/false


feature: new billable column for expenses and receipts
feature: system permission to enable adding hours in time tab


feature: new plugin notifications_manager
feature: modifications to object_templates plugin to work with notifications_manager


feature: allow to use "and" and "or" conditions in custom reports
bugfix: fix remembering the option to delete objects when deleting member
bugfix: when deleting member and not its objects they were deleted anyways
bugfix: default value of option to delete objects when deleting member should be 'no'


feature: when deleting member ask user to delete objects or not
feature: hide payment name in add/edit form only for macro facultad
bugfix: Mobile was not working after 3.7.0 (PHP 7.0 support). 'Escape' functions 'escape_string' were not valid.
bugfix: fix member selector hidden input format when adding and removing members from template tasks
bugfix: Prevents an error when the DB connection is not established.
bugfix: PHP 7.2 now reserves the word 'object', so it can be used as a class name.
bugfix: fix getColumnType function for most of the content objects added by plugins
bugfix: check if member can have parents before rendering the 'located under' component
bugfix: fix typo in pear/net/socket library
bugfix: Link to old download page was not working. Updated to new download page.


feature: add pdf support to payment receipt images in add/edit form and receipt view
feature: show in red the payment receipts that are greater than their expense's cost
feature: autocomplete payment receipt name using date and expense category
feature: disable submit button while uploading payment receipt image
bugfix: when editing expense using the 'add new item' button in the items grid, add a new empty item line
bugfix: add link to expense in payment receipt view
bugfix: fix feature that puts client name in calendar objects to also check member hierarchy


feature: Add "Description" field to payment receipts
feature: Allow to upload image of the payment receipt
feature: Allow to add payment receipt from expense view
feature: Allow to add new item from expense view's items grid
feature: Add view for payment receipts


feature: when adding/editing expenses improve the way that product types are filtered
feature: when adding/editing expenses allow product type selection to fill member selectors
bugfix: Fix view for expenses, including items grid
bugfix: Improvements in format of payment receipts list view
bugfix: Set default payment receipt date to today
bugfix: can't edit payment receipt
bugfix: payment receipt doesn't save custom properties, subscribers, linked objects and members
bugfix: In payment receipt add/edit put the expense selector first
bugfix: Several fixes in installer


bugfix: fix member template quick add urls


feature: new expenses module for evx.


bugfix: tasks list doesnt stop timeslots in view, when completing
bugfix: add not minified ext lang file for sv_se


bugfix: fix add/edit client form position when hiding contact inputs
bugfix: ensure that reporting contact config options are inserted in the upgrade script
bugfix: fix member selectors in quota form
bugfix: use a timeout when selecting columns to show in tasks list
feature: initialize associated dimension selectors with active context


bugfix: dont use expense column in payments if expenses are not used
bugfix: fix content object listing query group by


feature: allow to specify number of hours in invoice lines when generating invoices automatically from tasks/timeslots
bugfix: in time tab open ts report in reports tab, to use the css of that tab


bugfix: fix member form custom properties alignment
bugfix: fix missing langs
bugfix: disable workday cp by default


bugfix: cant set or change project parent
bugfix: cant complete tasks in php7


bugfix: can't save client custom properties if advanced_core plugin is not activated
bugfix: can't instantiate templates from tasks list


bugfix: override extjs datefield validation function to ensure that correct format is used when typing dates without zeros
feature: New clients and contacts section in configuration
feature: Allow to specify if all clients created will have contact information
feature: Include "Located under" in dimension members properties, to change its order in add/edit form


feature: PHP7 compatibility.


bugfix: fix in breadcrumbs with associated dimensions
bugfix: required dimension associations were not being checked

bugfix: dont reload tasks list if not needed
bugfix: improvements in payments list and view with quota

bugfix: improvements in tasks repetition form

bugfix: changes in tasks repetition variables

bugfix: fix member reports conditions by associated dimension

bugfix: fix custom reports totals for time columns when not using usual format

bugfix: fix reports detail lines when grouping by intersection of dimensions and showing groups as columns
bugfix: set newsletters contacts selector object type to contact
bugfix: fix timeslot add and current_time variable

bugfix: fix invoice logo width

feature: new quota dropdown selector
bugfix: disabling tasks notifications not always working
bugfix: improve tasks list load more groups, do it when less than 20% of the scrollbar is left
bugfix: fix persons filter in time module when no context is selected

bugfix: several changes in advanced expenses with quota and payments

bugfix: fix task dependency selector in templates
bugfix: fix member templates when removing member association
bugfix: dont remove enters in description when adding timeslot

bugfix: performance issue in imap sync when sending to trash in bulk

bugfix: fix grouped reports when grouping by date

bugfix: fix calendar sync configuration
bugfix: in grouped reports use date format to parse dates when grouping rows by a date property
bugfix: trim web plugin notiification config connection values to ensure they are parsed correctly
bugfix: fix time list filters
bugfix: dont use the attachment name when wrinting to tmp folder only for view

bugfix: improve timeslots add/edit
bugfix: show description cols with pre-wrap in timeslots lists

bugfix: fix scroll and resize of mail composing view
bugfix: fix no filter in time module period filter

bugfix: cant delete payments
bugfix: fix tickets installer
bugfix: add payment from inside quota does not select quota
bugfix: new payment menu from insied quota position is wrong
bugfix: error when executing dimension group reports
bugfix: fix js error in risks module
bugfix: fix risks installer

bugfix: fix customer widget
bugfix: minor adjustments in invoices module
bugfix: persist time module filters
bugfix: fix time module toolbar, panel height and totals row.
bugfix: allow to delete multiple members in member list

bugfix: escape line detail when editing invoice
bugfix: use default value as it is in config option for task groups pagination count
bugfix: several fixes in invoicing module
bugfix: dont show unknown status in clients widget, dont show status if cp is disabled
bugfix: filter disabled cps in get cp columns function
bugfix: fix scroll pagination when scrollbar does not appear

bugfix: cannot paste using right click menu in notes.


bugfix: error in tasks list when no tasks present


bugfix: fix tempalte task repetition when adding.


bugfix: improve performance of pop3 mail download
bugfix: generating next invoice doesn't copy company id
bugfix: cannot edit repetitive tasks in templates
bugfix: can't edit client organization
feature: improve objects_import plugin


bugfix: several fixes in tasks list performance


bugfix: dont redraw all tasks if already rendered after loading more groups


bugfix: small fixes to tasks list group pagination.
bugfix: in custom reports dont disable the toolbar in report parameters view.


bugfix: cant classify mails with attachments if attachment has / in the name
bugfix: error editing workspace if associated content data object does not exist
bugfix: dont load all tasks when only refreshing tasks list group totals
bugfix: not adding to sharing table unclassified objects to new users
bugfix: reorganize custom reports header (conditions block and buttons container)
bugfix: report and print from clients tab doesnt use the same order
feature: when custom report data is too narrow, expand it to use all the panel width
feature: tasks list groups pagination


bugfix: Fix error in application logs query when filtering
bugfix: Add margins to the direct-url container in object views
bugfix: cant add name in timeslots reports
bugfix: worked time column showing wrong data
bugfix: dont break report title in the middle of a word
bugfix: total estimated cost is not showing
bugfix: Remove unnecesary paddings in custom report views
bugfix: Fix custom report content height calculation
feature: Remove toolbar in custom reports
feature: Reorganize custom reports buttons


bugfix: profile picture crop and upload fixes
bugfix: cannot edit indicators
bugfix: stop running timeslots was only affecting timeslots without task
bugfix: cusotm reports associated dimension columns fixed to prevent duplicates


bugfix: fix worked time color in tasks list
bugfix: reminders dont tell wich date they have as reference
bugfix: templates with lots of tasks and variables cannot be saved and gets broken if input count is greater than 1000
bugfix: cannot modify timeslot billing if they are classified in a submember


bugfix: dim columns were added twice and this causes an error when saving them in custom reports
feature: return member id and billing data when requesting event ticket data


bugfix: when generating event invoice name put a generic name if the invoice is for more than one event
feature: disable events registration when using classes workflow
feature: add new object template parameter: summary_of_all_events


bugfix: fix searchable objects installer plugin
bugfix: fix config option values table in installer
bugfix: dont use null as def value of primary keys
bugfix: fix escape characters for users selector in custom report parameters
feature: allow login function to receive parameters and be called by api
feature: include billing emails in request event pricing function


bugfix: ensure that invoice is classified in the event of the ticket
bugfix: cant search members with ampersand
bugfix: Show archived objects in the trashed objects list
bugfix: dont show billing tab when editing ts if user doesnt have permissions
bugfix: undefined function was being used to set billing category id
bugfix: error redeclaring function when including twice cp table
bugfix: duplicated tasks are loaded sometimes
bugfix: check if member with the same member already exists before trying to create a new one
bugfix: invoice classification fixed in class registration
bugfix: several modifications to class registration and attendee list
feature: include list values and list value labels in list cps definition
feature: config option to ignore custom invoice layout when generating invoice


feature: change return value of save_event_tickets_bulk
feature: split contact address fields in reports
feature: config option to send emails in background
feature: email templates
bugfix: error 500 on events views when event doesnt have end date
bugfix: add a code for return the name of members when requesting price
bugfix: fixes in affinity report batch
bugfix: error in query to update invoice preview file id
bugfix: in web plugin take the installation name from the filesystem path, not from the url


feature: register attendees to multiple events
feature: online member registration form conditional improvements
bugfix: problems when sending invoice to billing contact
bugfix: exclude customer_folder and project_folder from member templates
bugfix: when sending outbox in cron send for all users with permissions in the account
bugfix: show comments option was only working for tasks reports
bugfix: exclude object types of disabled plugins in configuration


bugfix: adding clients from api doesnt save custom properties
bugfix: custom property filters are not translated in tickets module
bugfix: fixes in affinity members report
bugfix: cant save associated members by api
bugfix: in tasks workflow, copy the linked objects to the next task
bugfix: when showing comments in reports encode date comment part to to prevent errors in view


feature: Allow to send objects by email (for api use)
feature: Allow to create clients by api


bugfix: allow MemberChooserTreeLoader to send parameters in post, to avoid making the url too long
bugfix: fix custom properties add
feature: evx_edition plugin and login page modifications
feature: affinity reports plutin


bugfix: fixed report totals for calculated columns
bugfix: fix obj type hierarchy options query when saving expense
bugfix: improved drag and drop in mails tab
bugfix: fix table custom properties in forms and views
bugfix: missing langs in advanced expenses
bugfix: add zipcode to the toString function in contact addresses
bugfix: cant add cps for member types that are not dimension objects
feature: allow to define plural names in the dimension options section


bugfix: Show Custom Properties with scroll mode
bugfix: Show bill_billing_rate with currency format in reports
bugfix: add option to mark invoice as paid in view
bugfix: member type names fixed in task and report selectors
bugfix: execute function to ensure that all dim associations have their custom properties after every plugin update
bugfix: when creating user always set checked by default the option to send notfication
bugfix: init gantt genid and preferences before response comes
bugfix: fix verify_peer options when connecting to mail server using tls
bugfix: company picture form fixed
bugfix: ignore disabled dimensions in tasks list columns
bugfix: send and save invoice fixed
bugfix: when cp is special and is defined as id@text try to get the lang from the text part


feature: separate labor categories dimension (hour types) to other plugin
feature: allow to configure if the phone types are shown in reports
bugfix: fix misspelled langs in custom property admin


bugfix: Custom reports when ordering by due date and due date is the same the order is different when viewing report and when exporting to pdf
bugfix: Custom reports export to pdf, second page header overlaps with the data rows
bugfix: Fixed status column for projects in custom reports
bugfix: wrong langs in projects and missing langs in task reports with show comments
bugfix: dont draw ignored conditions info when executing custom reports
bugfix: remove duplicated models that were in the views directory


bugfix: reload current panel was not called after adding an invoice
bugfix: contable report must only include users with padron
bugfix: automatic timeslot generation must not classify in common hour type if already classified in holiday hour type.
feature: modify new event registration to allow free registrations


bugfix: filter member list by context
feature: fixed report -> hours by user and intersection of dimensions from advance services plugin


bugfix: member list order by cp
bugfix: report ignore condition pagination
bugfix: show more on member list group is not working


bugfix: mail parser encoding error


bugfix: fix searchable objects for invoices
bugfix: put sent status as invoice sent for confirmed invoices


feature: new project phases dimension
bugfix: cron error with empty dates on cron events
bugfix: task workflow not working


bugfix: reports are displayed collapsed
bugfix: include the mail that pays online when sending invoice


bugfix: invoice sent status filter
bugfix: report columns order
bugfix: When sending invoices if to is sent using GET, check if it is an array before adding to the mail paramters


bugfix: report columns order
feature: change sent status to a list of values and update the invoice preview


bugfix: search box on user list not working
bugfix: pdf reports are collapsed
bugfix: contact billing info on invoices


bugfix: do not check permissions when classifying contacts from member custom property
bugfix: check if is a valid datetime value before using the object


bugfix: mobile not working, missing api view
bugfix: Automatic timeslots must not check permissions when being classified
bugfix: lang Cuentaes to Cuentas


bugfix: add contact emails to searchable objects
bugfix: fixes in context widget
bugfix: do not check permissions when classifying contacts from member custom property
bugfix: missing lang report category
bugfix: error 500 in total worked time report
bugfix: company billing info on invoices
bugfix: break line on comment column


bugfix: force add member associations to searchable objects


feature: add member associations to searchable objects
bugfix: billing info properties on event registration
bugfix: prevent multiple timeslots running
performance: performance improvements on permissions


bugfix: invoices: migrate payment method columns to custom properties


feature: Allow to select properties from selected contact on a custom property (for members)
feature: new rate schedules dimension, associated to projects
feature: allow to select list custom properties to display on contact selectors
feature: show comments on report on a separated column
bugfix: prevent blank screen on mail view
bugfix: error 500 on member reports
bugfix: get user by email function not working properly
bugfix: return websites for each contact on the api
bugfix: subtask display fails after expand parent task
bugfix: report categories are filtered by permissions


feature: SAML Single Sign On plugin.
bugfix: invoice preview does not use custom invoice template.


bugfix: breadcrumbs from related dimensions are not displayed on object lists
bugfix: max amount of tickets per event calculation
feature: custom reports, allow to define conditions using associated dimension on member reports


bugfix: allow to change sent status of invoices on edit form
bugfix: check multiple contacts with the same email configuration before creating new members automatically
bugfix: wrong ticket type for non-members on event registration
bugfix: totals on reports
feature: properties groups for content objects view
feature: improve contact billing information tab on invoices
feature: display all members subtypes when creating new member from dimension tree
feature: max amount of tickets per event


feature: show contact columns on client reports
feature: contact selector on "billing to" tab on invoices form
bugfix: wrong total on new event registration
bugfix: remove sent status from invoices and add other property for that


bugfix: notification config override by hook
bugfix: no space between imploded address fields when printing invoice
bugfix: bug when saving subtype dependencies, duplicated row in table
bugfix: fix report_category_id column, it was added as a tinyint
bugfix: fix managed events to allow them to have empty date/time
feature: allow more than one contact with the same email
feature: was added the ticket type custom properties to event registration


feature: multiple email templates for different actions
feature: classify invoices on managed event related account
bigfix: custom properties on object subtypes not working


bugifx: error 500 when ticket type has been deleted
bugifx: invoice number was not generated when creating new repetition or from new event registration
bugfix: show date and time on field "created on" invoices


bugfix: show date and time on field "created on" invoices
bugfix: show date and time on field "created on" event tickets
bugfix: secondary dimensions must filter primary dimensions
bugfix: don't change invocie status to sent if is paid.
security: security issues sql injections and xss


bugfix: replay to all not working
security: remove public/assets/javascript/ckeditor/ck_upload_handler.php
security: security issues in api controller
feature: allow to assign invoice number in non-pending status
feature: new bootstrap style for members tree on "new event registration"


bugfix: don't show mail rules recomendation configuration not working
bugfix: managed events, filter only by member the git contact selector on "new event registration"


feature: classify event invoices in a configurable member of the accounts dimension
bugfix: new event registration contact selector scroll


bugfix: error adding attendees
bugfix: member status on members widget
feature: generate report button on attendees tab


bugfix: member tree selector performance


bugfix: managed events, ticket type name and desc must be escaped before sending data to view
bugfix: only group by o.id if query is for content_objects


bugfix: managed events, attendees classification
bugfix: fix custom properties view on members
bugfix: don't use timezone in getObjectData if the object doesn't have a timezone
bugfix: don't filter related dimensions on members tree
bugfix: totals on reports and objects lists


bugfix: class roster attendee report


feature: class roster attendee report


bugfix: error 500 on managed events tab
feature: managed events, new contact selector on event registration process to select attendees
feature: contact selector select wich properties display
feature: advanced billing, new columns on task report "Estimated profit margin" and "Expected profit %"
feature: member pricing on ticket types


bugfix: advance report installer error
bugfix: fixes on Billing rate and Cost rate report
bugfix: error 500 on reports when income plugin is not installed
bugfix: reports column names break word
bugfix: totals on reports
bugfix: contact custom property combo langs
bugfix: newsletter recipients selector
feature: was added contact cps to attendees panel


feature: advance billing on tasks (estimated cost and estimated price)
feature: billing information on reports
feature: copy members function
feature: extend contact custom property selector to allow selecting unclassified contacts


bugfix: report column title words break
bugfix: can't create timeslots for yesterday


bugfix: send invoice doesn't refresh status in pdf


feature: allow custom invoice mail template for different installations
bugfix: invoices generated in background are not saving the subtype id
bugfix: changing event subtype loses dimension associations


performance: on sharing table calculation after the user was being edited
bugfix: move event invoice automatic generated name to event_tickets plugin
bugfix: financial accunts has wrong table specified in model
bugfix: new event registration member selector fix
bugfix: managed event start-end fields fix on submembers


feature: contact custom properties now you can add contacts from the combo
feature: timeslots now you can select the related task
feature: filter events by subtype on listing function
feature: objectives description use ckeditor
feature: member templates for all member types
feature: send invoice by email
feature: stop previous timeslot configuration


bugfix: error 500 on templates
bugfix: advance reports, report categories not working
bugfix: export reports to pdf
bugfix: apply permissions to all sub-members on the member edit view.


bugfix: report list not working
bugfix: automatic calculation of worked time on add time modal
bugfix: time list add no filter by date option
bugfix: task list tasks displayed twice
bugfis: totals on grouped reports


bugfix: fix upgrade problem to version 3.5.3 with index in table custom_property_values.


bugfix: invoices query failed with message 'Unknown column 'external_id' in 'field list'
bugfix: report list not working if advance report is installed


feature: new time form


feature: add members in object notifications subject
feature: config generate next invoice repetition when printing.
feature: invoice Payment Period
feature: new linked object view
feature: add search input to users list
feature: fix report headers
feature: time-entries improvements
feature: add a new condition unclassified to reports configuration
feature: new feature on list of report, now you can create categories for reports
feature: new function to create contact from name and mail
feature: added bootstrap for internal use
feature: managed eventes plugin
bugfix: main tabs bar resize
bugfix: resize was added to columns assigned_to and assigned_by in the task panel
bugfix: several missing langs
bugfix: subtask render
bugfix: query error when ordering tasks list by assigned to
bugfix: error 500 fixed when listing customers in api
bugfix: missing useHelper in contact controller function
bugfix: modify get_public_file function to receive file id as an optional parameter
bugfix: modify image cp value when requested using raw_data=true to return the original json value of the db
bugfix: fix tasks list group totals when filtering by more than one dimension
bugfix: cutom reports dont put empty th if no details are shown, icon column is not rendered
bugfix: custom reports without details misalignments
bugfix: fix config option handler for members to allow multiple selection
bugfix: exclude archived members when giving automatic permissions to new users
bugfix: in context widget dont use features of inactive plugins
bugfix: fix broken billing tab in timeslot edit
bugfix: cant generate first task repetition batch
bugfix: problem of padding in button in dashboard
bugfix: task list fix for edge cases (yesterday or tomorrow also changing the week, etc), new weeks (Mon-Sun instead of Sun-Sat)
bugfix: add generic actions Time tab
bugfix: fix widget expenses
bugfix: new sharing table logic
bugfix: time reports missing task column status
bugfix: send mail directly when clicking send mail
bugfix: task list filter status today.
bugfix: mail account signature change fail
bugfix: When edit a member if the name contains & it shows &amp
bugfix: list cp rendered with errors.
bugfix: template task date variable + minutes not working properly
bugfix: invoice report expiration date timezone error
bugfix: calendar view don't displays tasks for guest users
performance: listing order
performance: sharing table

plugin advanced_core:
feature: ticket new filter by custom property
bugfix: Fix date format on report headers
bugfix: object list function broken by hook custom_properties_filter_get_objects_list_extra_conditions
bugfix: Call to a member function getFixedColumnValue on null

plugin advanced_reports:
feature: custom report group by intersection: allow to define specific members to intersect

plugin advanced_services:
bugfix: Hour type changes
bugfix: when generating first set of repetions, dont continue after repeat_end date if it is specified
bugfix: add transactions for generate x days tasks cron function

plugin crpm:
bugfix: dont create invoice customer if no customer data received

plugin event_tickets:
feature: new event management functions

plugin income:
feature: invoice send via email
feature: new config option to make client mandatory or not in invoices
feature: address in print view, now show the billing address
bugfix: in print view of invoice calling to worng variable for client zip code
bugfix: fixed message when delete a income
bugfix: image on invoice whe generating pdf
bugfix: error 500 when trying to delete invoice from view

plugin newsletters:
feature: use "To" field for each email when configuration has Persons per email: 1


feature: member custom properties groups on member information widget
feature: use property groups for member custom properties in member add/edit forms
feature: property groups -> add default group and put all cps in that group
feature: show previous and next invoice if they exist when viewing an invoice
feature: text filter input in invoices module
feature: new managed events plugin
feature: new event tickets plugin: event tickets abm and attendees widget
feature: modal member add/edit
feature: config options to disable the popup dialogs when archiving or trahsing objects
feature: allow to set a member template to an existing member
bugfix: transform users widget in contacts widget
bugfix: default payments report includes trashed payments
bugfix: invoice line with 0 unit value and total>0 does not sum in general totals
bugfix: cant link object to invoices that are not pending
bugfix: dont show generate next invoice link if it is already generated
bugfix: only the last invoice of the repetition should be shown as repetitive in the invoices list
bugfix: conditional tasks new bool cp values support
bugfix: cant generate next invoice if user does not have the can_edit_confirmed_invoices permissions and the invoice is printed
bugfix: MAIL SIGNATURE font size 24px by default
bugfix: invoices when adding a new line use the same currency selected for the invoice
bugfix: dont show member history tab if member has no history


feature: show previous and next invoice if they exist when viewing an invoice
feature: text filter input in invoices module
bugfix: dont show generate next invoice link if it is already generated
bugfix: only the last invoice of the repetition should be shown as repetitive in the invoices list


feature: when grouping reports allow to hide the total element count of each group.
feature: allow expenses list to have horizontal scroll.
feature: add logic to filter expenses by quarters in expenses widget.
feature: expenses widget new configuration add filters.
feature: allow boolean custom properties with undefined values.
bugfix: Filter is remove on change page. Feature - Send file by email without mail plugin.
bugfix: escape imap folder names when making queries to the db

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