
Harness the power of the Installatron platform.

Tailored for medium-to-large web hosting providers, Installatron Server is an API and optional GUI
that enables web application automation to be incorporated seamlessly into any web hosting platform.
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Tailored for medium-to-large web hosting providers, Installatron Server is an API and optional GUI that enables web application automation to be incorporated seamlessly into any web hosting system.

Live Demonstration

Live Demonstration showcases a fully working live version of Installatron Server's website owner and reseller interfaces. The administrative interface (not demonstrated) includes additional configuration options.

Note: Live Demo is currently down for maintenance.

Note: Live Demonstration will automatically reset periodically, and there can be multiple people using it at the same time which may cause conflicts.

Installatron Server Product Facts & Figures

- Founded in 2004, Installatron has over a decade of experience.

- Trusted by millions of website owners and businesses worldwide.

- Rapid Update Guarantee delivers application security releases 24/7/365.

- Continually developed with new major versions every few months.

- Regular customer surveys and feedback guide all product changes.

- Additional web applications are evaluated and approved regularly.

See What's New

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